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3rd POV

The straw hat pirate ship continued their journey, according to Nami they are going to an Island to gather some supplies and materials.

"Alright everyone, we are almost there please stay out of trouble... When we got there" Nami said to everyone.

"Yes, Nami san," Sanji said with hearty eyes.

Luffy was so excited to get off the ship and explore the island. It turns out the island has towns.

They reached the Island and set their ship, they didn't know that the Marines are also there... Specially Smoker.


"Y/n, here go buy something you like," Nami said giving me some Beri.

"Thank you Nami" I happily accepted.

Nami gave Sanji money too for groceries because we always ran out of food so fast.

"Zoro, you stay here and look after the ship," Nami said to Zoro.

"Yeah, yeah..." Zoro said and went to his spot and sat.

"Alright, make sure to be here before sunset," Nami said.

I just nod and explore the town. While I was exploring I found some vendors selling something...

"Oh, do you want to try some?" The vendor offered me some bread that looks like a fish.

I accept the offer and try some. When I tasted it blew up my mind.

So...so...sweet! I love this... I want more!

"This is so good! what is it called?" I asked the vendor

"That's our best-seller it's called Taiyaki and the flavor is red beans," said the vendor.

"I'll take 2 more! Umm... I want to try that and that" I pointed to the Taiyakis.

"Oh this is custard cream, and chocolate," said the vendor preparing it for me.

"Thank you!," I paid the vendor and continue exploring the town while eating my taiyaki.

Woah this town is kinda big... I might get lost haha...

I was walking when my eyes caught something... A man with gray hair...

Is that... No, it can't be, must be my imagination haha right?...

The man turns around and went into one of the diners. My heart dropped when I saw his face.


I panicked and hide somewhere... I also saw a girl going inside with him.

Don't tell me that's Tashigi...

I saw the girl's face and it was confirmed... It is Tashigi.

Oh no... I must find the others and warn them...but first I'll finish this...

I ate the taiyaki and look for the others.

Where the heck are they?, where the heck am I?... I got lost because I'm new in this town... The sunset is almost there I need to get back...

I ran back as soon as I can but I don't know if I'm in the right direction...

While I ran I bump into someone and fell.

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't looking-" I look at the person and I feel like my soul just left my body.

"T-Tashigi," I said her name... I know that she is clumsy and all, but when she drew her sword this will be difficult to handle.

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