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3rd POV.

Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy are in different areas exploring and Hunting. They all heard a gunshot and they all look where the ship is.

"Gunshot?" Sanji asked himself, but soon he realized that maybe everyone on the ship is in trouble.

He runs back to the ship to make sure everything is okay. Zoro and Luffy did the same thing but Sanji is the closest on the ship.

"Nami-san...Y/n chan, Usopp..." Sanji said and worried about them...


I felt pain in my right shoulder, stinging and throbbing pain.

I tried to look at my hands but only to see blood.

Blood... Blood... Blood...

"Y/n!" I heard Usopp calling me but it's slowly fading away. Soon I hear a ringing sound.

I stared at my bloody hands, my hands started shaking... I feel something burning in my heart...

Fear?... Is this fear?

I asked myself still looking at my bloody hands.

No... This can't be a fear...

I clench my hand with the blood on it and I slowly look at the Pirate.

I feel burning something inside me and just looking at the pirate I wanted...


Kill... Kill... Kill...

3rd POV

"Y/n!!" Usopp called but Y/n looked at her bloody hands.

Usopp manages to untie himself and Nami, he first did is hide Nami somewhere safe and help Y/n.

When Usopp get back to Y/n he heard Y/n say...

"Die" Y/n eyes changed, Usopp feel something dangerous.

Y/n attacked the pirate who shot her and kick him, Usopp saw another Pirate ready to attack Y/n on the back, he took action and shot the pirate with the bullet on his slingshot. The bullet hit the pirate and let out a small explosion making the pirate lose its vision.

"I-I got your back Y/n!" Usopp said in a trembling voice. Y/n didn't say anything and attack the Pirate on her back.

Usopp notices how Y/n fights and how strong she is, he also notices that Y/n face changed.

"Y/n..." Usopp got worried about Y/n attacking the pirates nonstop.

Kicks...punches... Y/n manages to take down all the Pirates but she seems to look for more.

Y/n stopped and look down on the scattered Pirates, blood all over her, she felt someone move on without a second thought she stomped on the pirate. Over and over.

"Y/n, s-stop... That's enough!" Usopp shouted and Y/n stopped, she slowly look at Usopp with lifeless eyes.

Usopp shivers when Y/n slowly walks toward him.

"Y-y/n I-It's me, Usopp!"
Usopp trembles, he thought Y/n is out of her mind.

"Y-you're O-okay..." Y/n said, She fainted, luckily Sanji arrives and caught her in his arms.

"Y/n-chan!, Y/n-chan!" Sanji called her name, he notice that her jacket is drenched in blood.

Usopp helped Sanji with Y/n and put her on the bed and stopped the bleeding. Nami is still unconscious and Usopp and Sanji can only help Y/n.

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