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"W-what?" I got up from my seat and walked towards Law. I snatched the poster in his hands and looked at it.

"Is this. . . Really me?" I was staring at the poster.

"No doubt" Penguin said in my back looking at the poster Shachi was also in my back agreeing.

"Why do I look so different. ." I asked, unsure to question

"I look like a person who seeks bloodlust. . ." I stared at my poster and then suddenly Law snatched the poster and crumpled it.

"What the- That's my first clue for my past life!" I shouted at Law

"You don't have to know your past life" Law said, I was confused about what he just said.

"What do you mean?" I was about to get the poster he crumpled in his hands when he suddenly carried me.

"You have a new life with me" Law coldly said

"C-captain?!, P-put me down please" He was carrying me on his shoulders.

"You two take a rest" Law said to Penguin and Shachi, the two just nod and smile.

Law was carrying me back to his room.

"Law please put me down" Law finally did and he put me down on his bed.

He lay on my stomach and hugged me like a pillow

"Don't leave me" Law mumbled

So this is what is about. . .
I just took a shower and checked if those two are alright. . .

"Law, I just checked if the two are doing alright. . ." I said to Law and patted his head.

"Not that. . . Now that you saw your poster, I believe you will find a way to bring back your memories. . ." Law said not looking at me but still hugging me.

He is right, I wanted to bring back my memories and know who I really am. . .

"I- I wanted to know who I really am. . . Even if my memories come back I'll be the same Y/n you know" I said, patting his head.

"Don't worry" I added

I feel like he was overthinking stuff, I continue patting his head and hum a song. . .

Law fell asleep again, so I slowly removed him and placed him properly on the bed.

It's like raising a baby. . .

I went outside to breathe some fresh air and think. . .

5,000,000 beri. . . It means that I did something horrible. . . What did I do? I need to collect my memories back. . . I need to know my past. . .in order to do that I need to leave Law and the others. . .

I need to collect and find my memories. . . But where do I start? I don't want the others to get involved so I am doing this by myself. . . I need to plan things out

A plan that Law and the others won't notice that I left and no one must stop me. . .

3rd POV

Y/n thought of leaving Law and everyone else. . .

"You're thinking pretty deep huh?" Y/n turn around to see Penguin.

"Haha, not really" Y/n and Penguin both look at the sea and breathe the fresh air they are quiet so Y/n tried breaking it.

"Hey, I have a question. . ." Y/n break the silence

"What is it?" Penguin replied

"How did I ended up here again?" Y/n asked Penguin eyes still lock to the sea.

"You saved us, So I saved you" Penguin smiled.

"What do you mean save us?" Y/n asked again.

"You saved us from the Marines, warning us. . ." Penguin said

A moment of silence filled the air.

"Hey uhh, just a random question haha" Y/n nervously laugh

"What if I disappear one day?" Y/n asked

Penguin look at Y/n with a concern look.

"Captain will loose his mind." Penguin straightly answered

"Y/n, I know what you are planning, we can help you, Captain can help you. . . So please don't leave us" Penguin said.

"I - I don't want you guys to get in trouble because of me, I need to know the truth about myself and-" Y/n was cut by Penguin.

"No, it's too dangerous. . . If captain finds out he will do anything to bring you back, Y/n you already made a connection to Captain, if you disappear I don't know if Captain can handle it" Penguin said holding my shoulders.

"B-but-" Y/n tried talking

"No buts, let us help you." Penguin said.

Y/n was about to cry but Penguin hugged her making Y/n cry more like a baby.

"Shhh. . .I understand that you don't want the other's get involved but we are here for you and for everyone" Penguin pat Y/n head trying to calm her down.

"Room-" A voice was heard to the entrance door, Penguin flinch when he saw his captain standing with a face of jelousy

"Shambles" the moment Law said it he switched places to Penguin without Y/n noticing it.

"Y/n ya, why are you crying?" Law looks down at Y/n hugging him

When Y/n heard his voice she immediately pushed away and looked up, her eyes widened when she saw Law instead of Penguin.

"P-penguin?" She look around to see where Penguin is.

"He already went inside" Law said

"H-He was here, I- I was hugging him. . . Wait-" Y/n was so confused to what just happened.

"Y/n ya, you didn't answer my question, why are you crying?" Law asked again.

Y/n look at Law and wipe her tears, she hesitate to tell him the truth and tried avoiding the topic.

"I-It's nothing. . . Let's go back inside. . ." Y/n said and ready to go inside but Law stopped her

"You are planning to leave. . . Aren't you?" Y/n look back at Law and she saw how sad Law is.

"To tell you the truth, yes I was planning it. . . I want to bring my memories back, but something inside me wants to stay here with you and the others" Y/n said

Because of Y/n said, this made Law smile and hug Y/n.

"Also, where are we heading next?" Y/n slowly push away and look at Law.

"To the Grand line" Law said.

When Y/n heard the word Grand line, she suddenly had a headache touching her head makes Law worried.

"Y/n ya are you alright?" Law asked

"J-Just a little headache-" Y/n closes her eyes and she slowly loose her balance making her kneel, Law helped her.


The moment I closed my eyes, I think I remembering something. . . or someone. . .

Glimps of visions started showing up, I was shouting at someone. . . Running from someone. . .

'meet me at the grand line' is the word I can hear inside my head. . .

"Y/n ya, are you okay??" Law touched my cheeks.

I opened my eyes and meet with a golden worried eyes.

"Y-yes, I just remembered something about the grand line"

To be continued. . .

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