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Snow started to fall.. you could see white snow outside your window.. Y/n started to admire the pure white snow looking outside.. while she can hear Sanji scolding Luffy for busting in her room without knocking.

You smiled at them Sanji still scolding Luffy.

"S-Sorry Y/n" Luffy cried while kneeling onto the floor.

Y/n smiled and raise her both hands saying it's alright.

After awhile, Y/n finished eating the soup Sanji made, and Thank him again. Luffy across the room sobbing because Sanji didn't allow him to get closer to her because of his sudden jump.

"You should rest more Y/n san" Sanji said. Y/n just nods and smile.

"Luffy, let's go" Sanji said to Luffy.

"No. I wanted to stay here with Y/n" Luffy said like a kid demanding.

"Luffy, Y/n san need to rest-" Sanji was cut off when Y/n tug her shirt saying to let Luffy stayed.

Sanji was unsure about Y/n but he sigh and gave up..

"Alright.. Luffy don't do anything funny got it?" Sanji stared Liffy in the eyes and leaving the room with the tray.

Luffy walk closer to Y/n because she knows He wanted to stay because he wanted to talk.

"Y/n.. I hope you get better soon" Luffy said in worry looking at you sitting at the chair next to the bed.

Y/n just gave her a reassuring smile that she'll get better in no time

"Y/n I wanted to talk.. I wanted to say something.. you don't have to say anything.. but listen.." Luffy gulped reaching his hands to Y/n not looking at her in the face..

"I enjoy being with you, and I wanted to continue my adventures.. with you together with my friends.. I want you to be there.." Luffy said.

"I love you" the moment Luffy those words he looks at Y/n through the eyes.. he meant what he says.

"You don't have to say anything.. " Luffy said and kissed Y/n forehead

"Rest now Y/n.." Luffy looked again in to Y/n eyes and smile.. with a mix of worry in his face then left the room.

Y/n was now deciding who to choose.. she needed to think so she decided to walk along with a blanket that cover her body.

She walk through the halls and look at the big window, snow still falling slowly.. she saw Law outside looking at the sky while snow touched his face.. she stared at Law and reminds her the adventures the him and her went through with his crew members..

She smiled at the memory.. but then she remembered Luffy's words..

"I love you" words echo her mind.. slowly remembering bits of the adventure they made first..

"You should be in bed" A deep voice suddenly speaks..

Y/n look where the voice came from.

Crocodile walking towards her looking outside the big window.

"Y/n.. whatever you're thinking.. always remember.. decide what makes you happy.. decide what you're heart desire.. I'm just here to support.." Crocodile place a hand on Y/n shoulder and look through the window to admire the white snow more..

Days had passed and Y/n finally could talk properly, but she asked the others that she wanted to rest more and be alone for awhile, she only talk to chopper more due to the check ups he's doing to her.

"Open wide" Chopper said to Y/n checcking her throat

"Aaaaahhh~" she says letting chopper look through in her throat

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