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Though Hyunjin and Jisung weren't late, they had taken a little longer than the others and were the last to arrive to Chan's apartment. Chan and Changbin had been in charge of the drinks, so they had been out too. While the younger rapper was still in a bit of a mood, he did his best to pull himself together, they had a new release to celebrate after all. The pair bought a few bottles of coke, as well as some strawberry lemonade, which had instantly reminded Chan of Hyunjin when he spotted it, so they had to take it. They also wanted to pick up dessert because neither of them was really confident in their baking skills. To Changbin's delight, they found some fruit sorbets and decided they had to get it. He so badly wanted for Felix to be able to enjoy some ice cream without making himself sick. Though they had a hard time choosing the flavor, they eventually decided to get one box of strawberry sorbet and one box of mango sorbet before hurrying to the check out and rushing home, so they could put it into the freezer before it started to melt.

Minho and Felix arrived not much later and handed Chan the meat, so he could put it into the fridge, while Changbin showed them what drinks they had gotten. They didn't mention the dessert yet, figuring it would make for a nice surprise later. The rapper was glad to have Felix around again, his mood improving the second his mate koala-hugged him but honestly, who wouldn't cheer up with the young Aussie koala-clinging to them? Felix didn't question his change in demeanor as the older had clearly not wanted to talk about it but he made a mental note to give him extra-hugs, since those seemed to do the trick. It was odd that Hyunjin and Jisung weren't there yet but Minho trusted his gut-feeling to tell him if the younger was in trouble and it seemed alright, so he refused to get too worried. He could still make a fuss later if they didn't join them soon.

They didn't have to wait too much longer but when Jisung entered, Minho was stunned. The rapper was wearing makeup, something he would've never expected and he wasn't sure if he liked it. Did he put it on because he disliked the way he looked? That was inacceptable! Jisung seemed to notice the shocked look on Minho's face and the hybrid didn't seem too pleased about his new appearance. Before he even got a proper greeting, the older had pulled him to the kitchen wanting to give him a talk. Hyunjin looked at Jisung worriedly but the rapper shook his head, he could handle himself. "Hyung?", he asked nervously, afraid to have made the other mad. Still studying his mate's face, Minho frowned: "Why are you wearing makeup, Sung?" - "Uhm, why not?", the rapper replied with am anxious laugh. Was it really that big of a deal? "Because you look amazing without it, so why are you hiding behind some paint?", Minho snapped, heartbroken that the younger felt like he had to alter his appearance.

It took a moment for the pieces to click in Jisung's mind and he smiled: "Hyung, I'm not hiding. We talked for a while earlier while preparing our food and Hyunjin-hyung really loves makeup but is afraid of wearing it. I told him it was okay if he wanted to put some on and when he did, I got curious what it was like and how I'd look." - "So, you didn't wear it because you don't like how you look?", Minho asked worriedly. Jisung shook his head and hugged the older. "I'm okay with how I look but it was fun and Hyunjin-hyung knows a lot about it, so I wanted to try it too", the rapper admitted. Minho was relieved, hugging the other close to his chest and warning: "Don't ever worry me like that again. I thought you wouldn't accept yourself the way you are." He gave Jisung a sad pout, which made the younger laugh and mutter a soft: "Sorry."

Chan was already on the balcony, heating up the grill, while Felix went to get the meat from the fridge, taking the vegetable skewers out with him. Afraid that Hyunjin might feel like he was third-wheeling, while they had their mates, Jisung hinted at the ChangLix couple to let the other help Chan on the balcony. He didn't want Hyunjin to be left out when around the two couples and since Chan was single too, they might get along well. Changbin got them all drinks, most of them choosing coke but Hyunjin was delighted when the rapper handed him a glass of cold strawberry lemonade. Chan had certainly been right when deciding to get it for him. They stood on the small balcony, chatting about the new release and worked planned for the future. The Aussie complimented Hyunjin's makeup, which made the younger smile as he shyly sipped his drink. When the food was done, Chan called for the others to bring their plates and they all settled in the living room with their food.

While eating, they scrolled through social media, reading out comments to each other. Not only had 3racha's album been a whole success, the dance cover had garnered a lot of attention online There were barely any negative comments but Jisung's mood slowly dwindled and while Minho was the first to notice, the others soon caught on too. Gently nudging his mate's leg, the hybrid shot him a questioning look and got even more worried when the younger pushed his plate away, having lost his appetite. "Can they like, not thirst over Minho-hyung like that?", Jisung whined, burying his face in his hands. Changbin instantly cracked up, laughing: "Congrats, Sungie. Now you finally know how I feel. I've seen that coming since we watched the dance cover and didn't want others to get to see that. Nobody's supposed to see Felix like that because he's mine and they better back off." - "Hang on, Bin. So you've been pissed because you were afraid someone would thirst over Felix?", Chan chuckled, finally making sense of it. He hadn't thought his friend to be so possessive.

The group shared a laugh and Minho ruffled Jisung's hair, encouraging him to finish his food. "I swear, I'm gonna make a shirt saying 'property of Han Jisung don't touch' and Minho-hyung had to wear it whenever he leaves the apartment", the rapper grumbled, making his mate laugh. He secretly enjoyed the younger being so possessive. It was cute. Chan only chuckled: "Don't be ridiculous, no one is going to take him from you." While the Aussie thought the risk of them being driven apart by fans was rather low, it was still too much of a risk for some. Studying Felix closely, Changbin hummed: "What size do you wear, Lix?" - "Hyung, you know I'm only yours", the dancer laughed, bumping his mate's shoulder with his own. "I know but others should know that too", Changbin shrugged. Hyunjin shook his head at his silly friends but a fond smile spread on his lips as he went to get more drinks for everyone.

Once they were done eating, they continued to read reactions to their work, listening to a few of the new songs as they waited for their food to settle. Eventually, Minho dragged Jisung into the middle of the room and tried to teach him their choreography. The rapper looked like a lost and confused squirrel, not even knowing how his brain could tell his muscles to move like that but when the others joined and Chan and Changbin struggled as much as him, he at least didn't feel as embarrassed. After a bit of dancing, Chan figured they could stomach their dessert now and gave Changbin a sign.

"You know, we prepared got dessert for everyone. Since Minho and Felix can't have dairy, we picked up some mango and strawberry sorbet, so you can choose which one you'd like", Changbin beamed, already knowing Felix will have strawberry. Minho and Jisung both ate one scoop of each, while Changbin and Felix went for only strawberry. Hyunjin was a little indecisive, so Chan asked the dancer if he trusted him, to which the younger nodded. The Aussie placed two scoops of strawberry sorbet into a glass and topped it with strawberry lemonade before adding two scoops of mango sorbet to his own glass and topping it with orange juice. He put cute, colorful straws into both glasses and took them back to the living room. The wide smile spreading on Hyunjin's lips made Chan's heart flutter. That boy was just too precious. The Aussie loved how Hyunjin wore his emotions on his sleeve and after he had told him he liked to wear lipgloss because it was strawberry flavored, he figured this would be the perfect treat for the younger and it seemed like he hit the spot. The dancer thanked him happily and his eyes sparkled as he took the first sip. "This is amazing", he muttered, looking at Chan with a shy smile before his glossy lips wrapped around the straw again. The afternoon continuing with no one feeling left out as the friends danced and freestyled to 3racha's new album.

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