Chapter 6. Deputy McHottie

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"Not that I don't enjoy solving a good mystery, because Scooby Doo has totally had me in that mindset since I was nine, but are you sure breaking into a crime scene is really the best idea?" I asked Lydia as I watched her use a nail file and pick the lock on the front door. 

She glanced over her shoulder at me in amusement, "Scooby Doo? When was the last time you watched that?"

"I don't remember," I shrugged, "but still, the whole detective thing was instilled in my brain by them. Plus, I had a girl crush on Velma must have been the orange hair, maybe that's why I like you so much." 

"Velma had brown hair, idiot. Daphne was the one with the red hair." Lydia rolled her eyes and twisted the doorknob, resulting in the front door squeaking open. I checked the street, making sure that we weren't being watched by any neighbors that could possibly call this in. That last thing I needed to deal with was my father finding out that his daughter was caught breaking into a crime scene. When I was sure that we were safe, I slipped into the house behind her and softly closed the door. 

The house smelt like disinfectant. It was dark and cold. I assume the CSI team had been here and that's why it smells like the entire house was doused in bleach. All of the lights were off as well and the curtains in front of the windows were closed so it was hard to see anything. Lydia was on a mission, and didn't waste any time making her way through the rooms. 

I felt a shiver run up spine as I passed the base of the staircase. My eyes traveled up the steps and I felt something pulling me in the direction of the upstairs. I knew that it wasn't my new keen werewolf senses telling me to go upstairs, it was my admonere abilities saying that I needed to get up there to get some answers.

"Lyd, I'm gonna check upstairs." I stated, not waiting for a response before I ascended the staircase. It was even darker up here than it had been downstairs. I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight, thanking God that Apple has a bright ass LED light for the flashlight function. 

I could smell something, it wasn't blood, or disinfectant, or anything that I could put a particular name to. I felt scared as I inhaled the stale air in the hallway, and I remember Derek telling me once that a werewolf could pick up on emotions and the smell they leave behind. Maybe that's what I'm smelling? I'm smelling Sean's fear... or his family's fear, seeing as how they were all murdered up here. That's slightly disturbing yet wickedly awesome at the same time.

The first door I made my way to, was Sean's room. I walked inside and immediately I was hit with fear and panic. I could also detect a slight scent of blood. I directed the light around the walls, and I found a blood spatter. What the hell happened in here? I should be able to use my ability to be able to connect myself to the room, like I did back in Oak Creek. I could connect myself to the memories. The problem was that I don't really remember doing it, the memories forced their way into my head. I guess I'm gonna have to figuratively open up that door in my mind to let the pain and suffering seep in. 

I took a deep breath and sat down on the foot of Sean's bed. My eyelids slowly closed and I tried to clear my head of any and all thoughts. It was difficult, seeing as how I could hear Lydia stumbling around downstairs and cursing under her breath. I could also hear cars whizzing by on the street outside, and a dog barking. God, how does Scott do this? If he can do it, then surely I can too... I just have to focus. 

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