Chapter 24. Adios

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We were running, and managing to not trip and fall over the rocks on the ground. Thankfully, Stiles remembered the exact path her took to get back to the entrance of The Church. Which meant, we had to hurry our cute little asses up before Scott was killed. I know that he's going to be the Berserker that is attacking Peter, Malia and Liam... that's the only way that Peter can ensure that my brother gets killed once and for all. 

Just as we slid out into the open are where the fight was going down, I noticed that Liam and Peter had Scott pushed against a pillar and Malia had a knife her hand. She was getting ready to stab Scott right in the head, "MALIA WAIT!" I shouted in a panic. 

Kira jumped out with her katana and sliced right through the knife. Malia nearly fell to the ground as she whipped around to glare at Kira. 

I was breathing heavily as I stepped in front of Stiles, "It's Scott." 

Liam glanced at Scott's eyes and you could tell by his body language that he recognized him. Scott then shoved Liam and Peter both to the ground. He hit Malia, causing her to fall. Stiles tried to stop him, but Scot pushed him to the ground too. Liam then tried to stop him, but Scott threw him across the room. I then realized that he was coming straight for me, and once again my brother had me by the throat up against the wall. 

I could see Peter standing a few feet behind us, a smirk in place. This is what he wanted... he wanted it to go come down to Scott and I. He wanted it to be a fight to where you had to pick a side, and the loser would end up dying. He wanted Scott to kill me, so he could then kill Scott-- or vice versa. I'm not going to let that happen. For once, Scott and I can both make it out alive and I'm not going to let Peter Hale ruin the chances of that. 

Scott lifted his fist, preparing to hit me with the sharp objects positioned on his hands. I squirmed in his grip, "Scott! Scott! Listen to me! Listen! You're not a monster! You're not a monster, this isn't you. You're a True Alpha, okay. You're the good guy who saves everyone and can get through anything. Scott, this isn't you."

I was struggling to breathe as I prayed that maybe I was able to get through to him. Maybe, just maybe my words would be able to trigger something and get him to realize that he's about to kill his sister. He's about to kill his counterpart all because of Kate and Peter and he can't let them do that, because if anything is going to separate us it sure as hell isn't going to be those two. We are stronger than that. 

"Scott, it's me," I whimpered as his grip loosened slightly, "it's me, it's Kasey. Don't let him do this, don't let him take something else away from us." 

A few months after Peter had bitten Scott and I, we had a talk. One night we were home alone because Stiles was out doing something with his dad and our mom was working so it was just Scott and I together in the house and for some reason the topic of Peter Hale came up and we had a genuine conversation. 

"I kind of hate being like this," I admitted softly. 

Scott and I were sprawled out on his bed, laying side by side with our eyes glued to the ceiling, "I kind of hate it too."

"I would probably like it more if it didn't mean that we had to deal with bad guys all the time." I chuckled.

He laughed along with me, "I don't know why, but we were chosen to do this, Kasey. For some reason you and I were destined to have this happen to us and now we have to work together to try and do as much good as we can." 

"Yeah, but we didn't ask for this." I stated evenly, not liking the fact that we were stuck in the position that we are in with no means of an escape.

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