Chapter 1. "Camping Trip"

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I never thought I would have the chance to say that I would find myself in the middle of a sketchy run-down town in Mexico. I also never thought I would have the chance to say that my brother is a teenage werewolf who is a True Alpha, or that I am an Admonere, or that the biggest asshole at my school ended up being a  bipedal lizard who killed people before he became a werewolf, or that an evil Japanese spirit would try to possess not only me but also my boyfriend— okay, the past couple years have been kind of crazy. 

That being said, this definitely takes the cake. 

Stiles and I were standing in the middle of this town, having children and deranged chickens running around us as the sun nearly baked us to a crisp. I was too pale for this intensity and because of Stiles rushing me I didn’t have time to put on sunscreen. 

My eyes were taking in the scene before us nervously. This plan could very much get us all killed, and I had enjoyed our two month break without facing death every two seconds.  

Stiles let out a sigh and clasped his hands together, “Well, this doesn’t seem so bad.”  

“It’s not the town, it’s the plan.” I stated. 

On our way through the town, I had been extremely verbal about how I didn’t think this was going to work out. It sounded good on paper, or for a television show, but whenever we try to pull something like this off— it backfires. Majorly. 

“What’s wrong with the plan?” he asked me as he shot me a look. He was slightly defensive because he had come up with the majority of it. 

His plans do have a better success rate than Scott’s, I’ll give him that, but the last time he used one of his plans, it ended up with him letting the Nogitsune possess him so it didn’t take a hold of me. 

And in case you forgot, that had a not-so-great end result.  

“Stiles.” I dead-panned as I turned to face him, “This could be the stupidest plan we’ve ever come up with. You’re aware of that right?” 

Lydia decided to approach us then, she had been walking around the square to entertain herself, and to help her not overthink about how sketchy and faulty this plan could end up being. She smirked and cocked her head to the side after hearing my remark, “I think we’re all aware that this plan is not our best.” 

Stiles shot her a look, “Hey, would you two please have some faith? We can do this.” 

“We are going to die.” she stated without hesitance. I snorted as we began walking to the building where the Calavera’s were located. Scott, Malia, and Kira were all inside already— waiting for Stiles, Lydia and myself to do all of the talking. 

I didn’t want to believe that we were going to die, but we are meddling with a Mexican supernatural hunting family business. If they’re anything like the Argents, then we will be in some serious trouble.

“Are you saying that as a Banshee, or are you just being pessimistic?” Stiles asked seriously. 

I hadn’t even considering that she could be having a Banshee feeling right about now. I was in the clear though, no headache or anything, which meant that she was too. 

“I’m saying it as a person who doesn’t want to die.” Lydia responded with a smirk. 

I clapped my hands together to ease the tension, “Okay, let’s not talk about death, unless you do start having a Banshee feeling, yeah?”

Lydia smiled as she gave me the most sarcastic look I’ve ever received, “This plan is stupid and we’re going to die.” 

“Oh, thank you.” Stiles retorted, giving her just as much sarcasm as she was giving us. 

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