Chapter 8. The Transition

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"I just talked to Kira, and they're on their way." Scott stated as he parked his bike and pulled his helmet off of his head. His hair was slightly disheveled and his eyes were shining bright under the moonlight. 

Stiles folded his arms over his chest, "We may have a slight problem."

"Why? Everything seems to be going fine?" he asked slowly, his eyes shifting from Stiles to me uneasily.

I bit at my lip, "Stiles and I asked around about Liam, you know like why he got kicked out of his old school..."

"This is going to be bad, isn't it?" my brother sighed as he rolled his eyes. You could see the irritation boiling in the depths of his irises. He was getting sick and tired of every single plan constantly having some sort of issue or problem. It was starting to become exhausting.

I nodded, "Apparently he got into it with one of his teachers. And as adorable as he is, he's got some serious anger issues."

Stiles made a noise of disapproval as I called Liam adorable. Normally, I wouldn't have heard the noise due to how soft and subtle it was, but with my enhanced hearing I was able to pick up on it. I can feel the changes from the full moon starting to take effect. My head is slightly throbbing in anticipation.

"How serious?"

"Well," Stiles breathed out as he pulled a photo up on his phone, "this is the teacher's car. After he took a crowbar to it."

On the screen was a blue sedan that had scratches, holes, dents and busted windows. The tires were slashed manically and the side mirror was knocked off. There was a message that was carved into the passenger side of the car and it said, This is your fault. 


Liam has anger issues, okay so normally that wouldn't seem as such a catastrophic thing. Teenage boys get angry and they get angry fast, no big deal. The issue we were now facing, was that on the night of a full moon, a werewolf hits it's peak rage point in .2 seconds. With Liam already being angry 24/7, adding the fact that he's about to face his first full moon becomes a bit more tricky.

We already have Malia out of commission due to her being locked in the basement, and who the hell knows what's going to happen to me. I feel like I have a stronger hold on my transition. It's hard to explain but I can remember when Scott faced his first full moon he was a completely different person for hours before and after the full moon. I should be acting all kinds of crazy right now, but I feel pretty sane.

I didn't want to put anyone at risk, and with the fact that I could transition and hurt somebody looming over me like a dark storm cloud... I can't focus. I need to tell someone, and for some reason I'm hesitating to tell Scott or Stiles. They should be the two people that I can tell anything to, but for some reason the words get lodged in my throat and I can't get them out. Stiles can tell something is up with me, I know he can. His eyes have been lingering on me more than usual, and he's constantly checking up on me, asking me if I feel alright.

I know the events that transpired with the Nogitsune have sent his anxiety and panic about my well being into overdrive. I also know that by telling him about the fact that I am possibly a hybrid, could give him an anxiety attack and completely derail him from the tasks we are supposed to be focussing on this evening. Which is why I'm hesitating. I'm not scared of how he'll react, I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to get him to remain focussed on anything but me.

"Kira and Liam are two minutes away," Scott said as he glanced at his phone. We are gathered in the den, waiting patiently for them to arrive.

I was bouncing around on the balls of my feet anxiously. I have to tell someone before Liam walks through that door. I have to tell someone, I just don't know who. It shouldn't matter at this point, everyone in this room cares about my well being and will be considerate of my wishes and be concerned enough to keep an eye on me without making me the certain of attention. 

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