She Acts Like she Owns the World

514 19 6

Marcy POV

(German does not receive a translation in the chapter because it is Marcys POV and they don't understand it, sorrryy, in Sashas POV german gets translations.)

I was busy double checking what books I had left when I heard a knock on my door, well, less of a knock and more of kick which had given away that it was Sasha at the door, "Come in!" I spoke clearly hoping she would hear me through the thick wood door, which she did as she opend the door and walked in, "Hey Mar Mar, I know your busy double checking thingsss.. But I think I found a place with mire info on that weird Chaos Box or Clam It Box.. Whatever its called." Sashas tone grew frustrated in a humorous way, I couldn't help but snort at the name she had given it, 'Clam it box..? Really Sash?' "Okay, its the Calamity Box, and what are you talking about?" I questioned, I had studied Amphibias land scape and buildings for hours so I could find my way around and plan optimal routes for supplies to be sent while I worked under.. Him..

It was suprising to hear about this place that I either forgot or didn't know, "Welll.. It's called like.. The Archives, a small ways out from Warty Town, it's older than that sad sack of dust named Sadie, but there should probably be some books their for you to nerd out on." She pointed at the map on the wall, she wasn't wrong, it wasn't far from WartWood but not within the walking distance of an average 13 year old girl who didn't exercise. "The archives! Oh how could I forget! I totally forgot about it!" I shoved papers and journals into my bag with a few pencils and pens as Sasha let out a small laugh, I'll get ready aswell, we can take Ma- Ahem.. the tarantula Grime brought, its faster than Bessie." Sasha caught herself growing attached to the arachnid Grime had brought with, he had called it Mathew which, in private, Sasha treated like a dog or cat, feeding it treats, speaking to it in the baby voice you use for pets, it was refreshing to see Sasha out of her intense cold and tactical soldier personality that shes been molded into, even if those moments only lasted a few minutes.

When I snapped out of my thoughts and was dressed, i walked out to see Grime rebandaging an armored Sashas hand while she looked annoyed, "Grimsey, I'm not going to implode if I go out there without a bandage, I'll be fine." She insisted yet Grime was having none if it, "Maybe in your world, but there are diseases forgein to you here, they could prove fatal, and if a bot came to attack you, well you could possibly become futhur injured.' He explained as he finished with her hand, "Yeah, yeah whatever Grime." He looked over towards me with a smile, "You ready to head out?" She questioned and I nodded, "DONT FORGET YOUR EMERGENCY FLARES-!" Grime yelled from the kitchen as he threw them at Sasha who caught them with ease,

"Mhm, whatever makes you happy pops." She dismissed him as she left the house making a B line for Mathew, It was cute to see their kind of parent, kid relationship, It was no secret Sasha didn't care for her parents and they didn't care for her, but in Amphibia she finally has some sort of figure to look up to.. Even if said figure is a morally ambiguous toad general.. Finally after being lost in thought I ran out to Mathew to find Sasha being pestered by an excited Ivy, "Oh! Marcy hey whats up! Heard you were goin somehwere so I'm gonna come with!" She exclaimed happily, "Is your fancy tea cup mom okay with this? And again were going to some place with dusty books not a C&C dungeon." She let out a sigh with a pissed off expression, but that wasn't important, "..Marce-" Sasha cringed as she realized her fatal mistake, "OMGDIDYOUNAKEAC&CREFRENCEILOVEYOUSOMUCHOHMYGODYOUACTUALLYLIKEIT?!DOYOUWANTTOPLAYSOMEWHENWEGETHOMEICANHELPYOUMAKEACHARACTER!!!!" I gushed it all out in under a minute with Ivy sitting their shocked and Sasha sitting there trying to decode whatever I said,

"Yeahuh.. Lets just get over to that dusty places before you keel over dead from excitment.." She rolled her eyes grabbing the reigns of the spider before we set off to the archives

:: Awhile later ::

In the archives I had skimmed through every book shelf twice to make sure that I got every book that could relate to the box even if it was less then likely for a total of 193 books, either way we split it 3 ways though I read most of Ivy's books, most the time she went to guard the door or find something more intresting to do.. I zoned out but I heard something from Sasha which caught my attention, "..DIESES BUCH IST BLÖDSINN!!" She yelled and threw it across the library with a pout, "Alte Hündin von Olms.." She continued to angrily mutter in german while taking another book, I squinted my eyes trying to decode what she was saying, "Em- Whats wrong..?" I asked slightly concerned,

"The fuckin book was just about his damn.. This weird ass thing called the 'Mother of Olms', sounded like bullshit so I threw it." Sasha shrugged as she skimmed through a different book, "Wh- Mother of Olms?! That sounds important Sasha!" I said alarmed as I hurried to pick up the book, quickly flipping through it, "I knew it! Shes the holder of the music box and prophecy Sasha! We can figure out whats going on!" I yelled delighted as Sasha sighed and muttered something in german.. again..

"Sasha I couldn't hea-" I couldn't finished my sentence before Sashas fuse had recahed its end and the bomb went off, "I SAID ITS NOT GOING TO BE THAT FUCKING EASY IDIOT!!" I flinched as she slammed the book onto the table with a scowl and stomped off.. Idiot?? I felt tears well in my eyes.. I tried to wipe them quickly but to no avail as they kept coming quicker and quicker until I was sobbing on the dusty archive floors.

'Fucking..Sasha, I don't deserve this!' 'I do deserve this.. I trapped us here..' 'She was overreacting! I knew she wasn't trying to change.' 'Its not his fault, why am I doubting my friend?', Every thought I had conflicted with another, switching from my fault to her fault without any answer in sight, am I a horrible person..? Was it all my fault..? Why am I like this.. No.. Why is HE like this! Shes being a bitch! She thinks she can get away with this!!

Anger welled inside of me in a gut wrenching way that made me want to puke.. I wiped my tears and stomped out of the archives with the books I needed for the mother of olms, "Took you long enough."Sasha remarked bitterly, the anger I felt amplified, 'Does she truely not care? She acts like she owns the world.' "闭嘴。" (T: "Shut up.") Was all I said to her, she didn't understand what I said to her but no doubt he understood, already chipping away at his patience as he narrowed her eyes at me with a growl before hitting this road with ivy sitting behind us uncomfortably.

As soon as we got to the planter house me and Sasha went separate ways without speaking a word to eachother, "Stupid Sasha.. Things she fuckin owns the world, not everything revolves around you.." I muttered out as I began to look through the first book, nothing in where she was located, todays going to be a long day...

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