Mission Start

350 13 4

:: Focused on: Sasha ///

I sat for awhile, the sounds of explosions and warfare sounded around me, but nothing was changing. The ground never shook, the tower never fell, there was no army, there were no toads, no music box, no earth, no portal, no Percy, nor Braddok, there was no Grime there was no Anne, there was no Marcy. There was nobody. A lonely vast expanse of land and memories that seemed futhur away than he would've liked then to be.

Who was Sasha Waybright. That always lingired in his mind. Why was she like this? Why was she here? What was here?? Her questions grew more broad as his memory faded, leaving nothing but a cobble tower bathed in red with a void of nothing around it.

Sasha wasn't a good friend, Sasha wasn't a bad friend, Sasha wasn't a friend, Sasha wasnt a lieutenant to Captian... To the toad captain, she wasn't friends with anybody named Percy, nor Braddok, they didn't know anybody named Marcy, not even a girl named Anne, it wasn't a waybright. Sasha wasn't a person. Just a little girl, trapped in nothingness to fade away as if she didn't cause the pain she did.

She could hear the rush of webbed feet, the trailing of coats too long for an amphibians body, the shutting of a cage and wheels creaking. The distant thud as the faint chill of souless robots seemed to materialize around her. She still saw nothing. She didn't know where she was. She had no sense of direction. The tower rumbled slightly. Sasha froze.

:: Focus change: Marcy ///

There had been a lot of movement with the castle as of late. Even more concerning was the abnormally large army of mind controlled animals that had been recently spotted by Wally. They had to hide a lot more, it patrolled around the mountain pass, making it difficult for them to pass the mountains towards Newtopia.

That was a problem, the land behind the mountains wasn't the best for farming, or gathering food at all, it was becoming dry and desolate, a total wasteland. Marcy actually went deep in thought about how cool it would be in an apocalyptic world where you were the leader of a camp and rode mutated creatures and such.. So cool! They quickly shook their head, this isn't some fantasy wonderland, that realization hit too late.

She hoped on Joe sparrow contemplating if she would go alone or not, they ultimately decided against it and brought 2 amphibians she thought had adequate fighting skills that would go nicely with not just her own skills but also the other amphibians skills, Grime, a heavy hitter, almost tank like but not very agile, he could take way more than a few bumps and bruises, and Felicia, shes also strong, but the natural advantage Toads have with strength makes her not as.. Tank-y as Grime is, but shes far more agile and could dodge around some blows, they would even eachother out, and of course, themself, who else would fly Joe and be the cool ambush person in the tree with an insanely awesome crossbow?? She smiled thinking about how Sasha would probably call her a nerd and loveingly laugh as they sat close together and forgot about their problems.. But the thought quickly dispersed into a much more despairing feeling as the girls absence started to make itself more noticable and much more unbarable.

The flight over the mountains was easier than expected, it was kind of irritating that nothing happened. The whole flight Grime and Felicia shared gossip about their kids. "Okay! But I must say you need to hear this! Sasha is OBSESSED with Barrel the Brave! I mean shes a fanatic about him! Read every old dusty book she could get her hands on when she wasn't training or sulking, and don't get me started about the war hammer!" They blabbed on and on and usually Marcy would've found it interesting but their mind was going a million miles a minute, and with every mention of Sashas name she got a weird feeling in her stomach, it consisted of anger, guilt, and.. Butterflies?? She couldn't identify the third feeling so they ignored it..

They were FINALLY over the mountains, it felt like an eternity and at some point Grime and Felicas words turned into white noise and nothing more then voices speaking sounds that she couldn't manage to understand in her bored haze. They had landed Joe in a small clearing between dead decaying bushes with prickling branches and brown leaves that looked like they would turn to dust at the slightest touch. "What have they done to this place.." Marcy mumbled barely audiable as their heart filled with guilt, anger, sadness, regret, and every other emotion like those.

Grime must've noticed their distress because the gruff father figure placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a smile, though it was disturbing it was the thought that counted.. She gave a weaker smile but it seemed to satisfy Grime as he took a step back and removed his hand. Marcy assessed the destroyed plains in mild discomfort as the sharp branches pricked them.

It took a moment of rehearsing the plan in her own head to finally come out with it, "Okay.. That army there.. Leaves an opening for about 10 minutes, 2 of those minutes are spent charging up to fly across the castle and change shifts...Why do they change shifts???..Whatever, once they start charging up, we have 2 minutes to get to that patch of bushes, when they take off in the air we can get into the castle, thats were you, Felica, go ahead and scout out an optimal route to the kitchen so we can grab the food, Grime, you'll stick behind me watching my back just in case, if trouble occurs your our tank and can plow us out of there.. Then we can use the Kitchen ladder that leads to the basement to go through the emergency exit tunnels to the outside, which should lead some where into the woods." They took a breath in after spewing out the plan, it took a moment for the two to take it all in before they nodded, accepting the plan.

Marcy handed Felicia the Castle interior map which she got right to studying it before it was go time. The bots all of the sudden let out a beep, just loud enough to hear from the bushes but just quiet enough to go unnoticed by major amphibian predators and anyone who wasn't paying attention. They quickly made a mad dash from the bushes to the scarce bit of foliage, Grime insisted that they could make another dash and get inside before the bots finished the charging and began the assent, but it wouldn't be enough time because the bots woke up barely a minute later. It look about 3 minutes for the bots to be up in the sky and flying away, so they quickly got up and dashed for the Castles side entrance and managed to slip inside unnoticed.. Now the hard part began..

Trapped Birds (Sasharcy) (Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now