Lost, But Not Found

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Focused on: Sasha ///

"Yoou should just let me go, you aren't getting anything out of me.." She didn't look at the cage doors, it was too much like the beginning, stuck in a cage, helpless, except this time, she couldn't talk to anyone at all, the guards were silent, if she dared talk to them she'd get a spear pointed at her or less food than usual, it sucked, but the food was trash anyways, probably scraps from toad tower, she'd be the one to recognize that slop from a mile away, and she did.

Today was different, odd, the guards look around nervously, they stood straighter when they heard footsteps, a sigh of releif when it was just another guard or such, but then two large shadows accompanied by mechanical clanking was heard, and they looked like statues. The king and.. Something? Rounded the corner, Sasha didn't dare look up, he just stared at the ground, seeing the orange glow on the ground, highlighting her now unnaturally pale skin.

She scoffed at herself, she couldn't even be bothered to train while she was imprisoned? She just sat there, waiting for starvation to take her. "This is strength? Pathetic. I Thought I'd see more than this sad, weak heep of flesh and bone." A mocking voice, or voices(?) Echoed through the hall. Sasha had pretty sensative hearing, the booming voice hurt her head. A lot. Covering her ears she heard a peircing laugh from the thing.

"Well not the vessel I would want. It will be easy to take it over." That struck a nerve. It struck a BIG nerve. "Hold up! Who the hell do you think you are?! Easy to take over? If you think that way than you got another thing coming because if you think I'll just le-" She  was silenced by a large mechanical hang grabbing her stomach, knocking the air out of her, "SILENCE. You are too rowdy. I need a different vessel, this one will do good for our beta collars. Correct Andrias?" This was the only time Sasha had noticed him.

Standing in the backround, his face creepily shadowed over, a few bits highlighted with the orange red light from the.. Ball monster? Regardless, he stayed silent and answered with a nod. If this thing had a mouth it would be curled into the biggest malicious grin to ever exist. Instead the bottom of its eyes twitched upwards slightly as it dropped her roughly to the ground, making the king pick her up instead.

She struggled wordlessly against his grip, it was suffocating, but only enough to make her feel short of breath. She was dropped into a smaller cage, surrounded by monsters and such, centipedes larger than elphants even. 'Marcy would love this..' she thought with a grin, it was quickly wiped as her cage was dragged into a room. Mist hovered above her, purple goop below her. Newts with gas masks were more unsettling then she thought they would be. Was she breathing something dangerous in?

She stared at a few other cages, they were opened but whatever was inside them didn't move, they stared throught the walls into nothingness, a strange purple hue in their eyes, a collar wrapped around their necks... Was this the end of Sasha Waybright? She didn't move and inch as she was brought out, she could hear a couple sighs of releif mentioning how it was about time they had a subject that didn't struggle, she wanted to scream, cry, hit, kick, throw up, anything at all, to prove she was strong.

She couldn't. She wasn't. Her body was clammy, sweating as newts came up to hesitantly hold her down with murmured apologies or mocking laughs. Either way it didn't matter, a collar, less bulky than the others, was weirdly enough, fit to her upper arm, the purple lights weren't present on it, instead it was replaced with eerily glowing lines, dots of darker or lighter purple flowing through it, it was put on and a button was pressed.

A jab in her arm and a bit of writhing and she was out. Stuck in her own head. Surrounded by a red sky and a cobble ground, overlooking Amphibia, bathed in the red light of its moon.

::Focus Change: Marcy ///

The trail went cold a long time ago. Nothing to indicate where Sasha had went, but that didn't stop Marcy. It would never stop Marcy. She searched day and night, sending patrol after patrol to look for anything, while she slowly made her way around, setting up camp every once and awhile. She was far from Wartwood now.

Inbetween Newtopia and Toad Tower. She had checked every Tower she had passed already, this one well.. Wasn't exactly a tower. A pile of rubble and dried blood, the stench of death was heavy.. She hated that she was doing this, but she did anyways, she walked on top of the cobble, sometimes a sickening crunch sounded out below her as she winced, everytime that happened the smell of death wafted past her stronger than before. A few graves were scattered around the place different names, different toads, different pasts, different lives, different loved ones.

It filled her with saddness, all these different toads, these different people, all dead before they should've been. It could've been Sasha.. She hadn't told Marcy much of what happened, all she knew was that there was a fight, the tower toppled, and she lived. Thats all she had ever been told, why couldn't she be trusted with the information??

Trapped Birds (Sasharcy) (Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now