The Entry (And lead up to a battle⁉️🤯)

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(Quick author note or what ever:

1. Its been super long since I've written in general and I stopped fixating on Amphibia aswell

2. The title is ass and im going to rename but i have no clue what to do so if you have an idea let me know and I promise to not tell you that is cringe 😘

3.There actually is no three but only 2 things seems like not enough so im adding this for effect n shit so like, blah blah important)

Focused on: Marcy ///

Today was THE day, as I deemed it, we are going to start the mission, if this was some fanfiction made by someone on the internet it would probably be a chapter called "Mission: Start". (A/N: I'm too cool for a title like that 😎) But thats entirely irrelevant and nonsensical! We have FINALLY gathered every amphibian who I think would be good at the mission.. And Grime, I mean I couldn't just leave the guy there, Sasha was practically his daughter at this point! Frog, I love the found family trope! Again, not important! I slapped my cheeks to get out of my head, this is important! I can't let my brain wander! I mostly chose frogs and newts, being that they're smaller and more agile, the only odd one out was Grime. But no more time to go on and on about who I chose! (Totally not naming them just bc i forgot who lives in wartward 😍) I need to get moving! Every second wasted is a second that could be used to save Sasha!

[Wahoo, some time has passed my fine friends]

Okay.. So maybe it would've some some good to bring some fighting power. Nothing bads happened but it's definitely nerve wracking when you know that your team could be easily defeated in seconds! There's a lot at risk in this mission, I can't let it go down the drain, it needs to work! I could already tell the rest of them were nervous too.. Im a shitty leader! I'm not like Anne, I can't hype people up or make them feel like they can do anything, I'm not Sasha, I don't have the ability to rally the troops and make plans that they know will work! I'm not charismatic like them! This could've been so much better if Anne or Sasha was here to help out.. But they aren't and I have to do this myself!.. Even if I would rather be the co-leader or something..

[Kachow, the passage of time continues.]

We're here (and queer lmao) and its really setting in how much of a loss it will be if this fails, not only will we not have Sasha, but the rest of the team and me will also be lost! Oh frog this HAS to work! I take a few calming breaths, in, 1 2 3, out, and what not. Its kind of stupid but works in a way? Doesn't matter! We're in a life or death mission here!.. Maybe not life or death but it gets the point across! Its a very important mission!

Finally inside the building, it might be the weight of the mission but it feels like the air is heavier and the castle is even more dead than it was before.. We're moving slowly and taking caution, hell, sometimes I jump at the sound of the other amphibians footsteps! moving slowly we make are way down, it feels surreal to be back in the castle like this, especially going down into the basement, the futhur down we get the more it feels as if we're under some kind of surveillance, the others must feel it too since they're all looking around and searching for something.. Continuing down it just gets worse, now theres even a magenta-ish smoke coming from furthur down.. This isn't a promising sign, continuing with caution we enter a hallway, there's different doors, a thick purple smoke that seems to be coming from under quite a few, but the main source seems to be a door at the far left end of the hallway.. But a fair bit comings from cents conected to the rooms that seem to be letting the air out.

"There has to be some sort of sign on where she is.." I murmured it mostly to myself but they still heard and dispersed to look for some sort of sign or hint towards where she may be, I tried to look through a vent but my eyes watered, the smoke was sort of cold-ish, like the feeling you get when your teeth are hit with cold air and they hurt, but your eyes instead of your teeth! Continuing the search an (unnamed and unimportant) amphibian motioned to a door, cracking it open revealed quite the suprise, an empty and large circle shaped room with windows high up and multiple mechanical arms and heavy doors, the walls had gashes, cracks, and craters (No those aren't from Sasha, sorry homie, those are from the huge centipedes) The room was obviously important, what really drove it home was Sasha. She was pacing around the center of the room at random, there was obviously a change in armor, it was changed for a bulkier and more purple armor that covered almost every significant weak spot besides the face, obviously. A slightly less large peice of equipment was the purple arm band that seemed to be mildly more important than the rest.

The setup is more than mildly suspicious, he just happened to be in this room, alone, with nobody around, pacing and completely vulnerable without a weapon.. It was obviously a trap.. But leaving wpuld be a waste! "Stay here, I'm going to check it out.. Theres something off about this." I nudged the amphibians near me to get their attention, they nodded, but most of them frowned, opposed to the idea but charging in there wouldn't be as smart. Turning back to the room I took a deep breath and entered.

(End of the chapter)


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