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Focused on: Marcy Wu ///

"What do you mean shes just- Gone?!" Marcy yelled as she paced around, giving pointed glares at Grime, "I mean shes just gone. She stormed out, haven't seen her since then." He seemed monotone and unbothered, but she knew he was as shaken as she was, his glances at the door, his awkward shuffling, everything about his stance gave him away. "Well than we should look for her! Not wait around for her to walk out if the woods!" She argued angrily, Grime shrugged in response. "I don't see why we can't. Lets move." He briskly walked out of the room as Marcy quickly followed him. Searching and searching and searching and searching, for minutes, to hours, to days, to a week. Searching for a week. And they hadn't found her. Just her cape. Just. A. Fucking. Cape. Marcy was at her breaking point, Andrias, the arguement, the probability of never seeing Anne again, Sashas disappearance where something just wasn't right. It all built up, and Marcy hated it, she didn't want to care about someone like Sasha, a selfish asshole, a power hungry teenager, a manipulative ass.. And yet, something drew her into Sashas trap, there was a charm to the taller girl, something you couldn't quite place you finger on, something that just tugged and wouldn't let you go, and Marcy had fallen for the girls trap and HARD. Another week of endless searching, a bit of debris had been found, it was concerning. Broken branches, mechanical like foot prints, and the most concerning part.

A blue heron sword

Stuck in the ground.


(Short chapter again, but don't worry because I already finished the next chapter and I'm posting it as soon as I finish revising some of my spelling!)

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