Pizza Bot and Revelations

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Y/N's POV:

It was a bit after 7 o'clock and most of the Avengers were assembled on the large couch in the dining room. The pizzas Tony had told FRIDAY to order were about to arrive in five minutes. Natasha had advocated making a movie night, for Steve still had lots of new culture to take upon. Everyone agreed happily, nobody had something against popcorn and crisps in the not-so-small cinema integrated into the headquarters. Having a billionaire on the team isn't bad at all if you think about it.

"So guys, what's on today's movie program? Anything ya haven't seen yet, Capsicle?" said the one just mentioned.

"Well, I think I might have caught something here. Out in the city today, I overheard a conversation about a movie series called Harald Topper if I remember right. Who is that?"

A short silence filled the room, Clint and Natasha looked at each other, then broke into a frown. Steve looked slightly confused now as well, but then Wanda and I started to laugh. Tony joined in too with an "ohhhh" as he realized what movies Steve was talking about.

When I had caught my breath again, I kindly smiled at the irritated captain. "You probably mean Harry Potter, right?"

"Ah, that was his name"

Now all of us were chuckling, even Natasha and Vision.

"Yeah, why not? Those aren't that bad" stated Tony, nodding approvingly.

"What are they about? Harry Potter is a young boy, isn't he?" Steve now seemed curious and an interested smile lit up his face.

"Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The novels chronicle the lives of the young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Together they face dang..." Vision began but was soon interrupted by Wanda.

"Sh, Vis, don't spoiler, I think that was enough information, to begin with."

She smiled at him, putting an arm on his vibranium shoulder.

They had an extraordinary and yet cute relationship as they were both so soft and friendly unless they fought Aliens and other threats. I personally thought I'd not be capable of loving a synthezoid that much, but seeing Wanda and Vision together made me kind of happy. Even if I had never had anyone to love like that. Love just wasn't determined for me, and probably would never be.

"Sir, the pizzas have arrived," FRIDAY noted and the genius engineer's face lit up. This was the perfect occasion to present one of his latest inventions.

"Good, let Dum-E II bring 'em in!" With a dramatic gesture, he pointed at the door.

Spellbound we looked at it, waiting and waiting. Many seconds passed and Clint turned back to Tony.

"Something gonna happen there today?" he questioned.

Tony rolled his eyes now, slightly annoyed.

"FRIDAY how long is this gonna take? Fricking hurry up or the pizzas turn cold!"

Right at that moment, the door swung open and a robot about half a man tall wheeled in, carrying the pizzas with a claw arm.

"See, good boy here can now use the elevators. And guess who made that possible? Come on folks, y'all can clap your hands now." 

Tony's self-praise was disrupted by a tall man's, rather god's, familiar voice.

"Very impressive, man of iron!" Thor said, walking into the room behind the upgraded version of Dum-E. He was back from New Asgard and, for there was no thunderstorm announcing his arrival, must be very even-tempered right now.

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