Not Alright

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Still Y/N's POV:

Just a few moments later, three heavy knocks sounded through the room.


Not too surprisingly, he didn't wait for someone to allow him to enter, instead, he stormed in and rushed to Loki's bedside the instant he spotted us.

"Y/N! Loki! What in Odin's name is going on?! What are you doing here?!"

This look on his face, the tone of his voice, him rushing in like that. It all reminded me a terrible lot of when he found me rinsing Loki's cuts in his bathroom. It had only been two days ago, and yet it felt like an eternity. Back then, back when I was cleaning Loki's arms of his own blood with tears in my eyes, Thor had come to see whether I  was OK. When I had gone to check on his brother, adopted or not, he came to make sure I  was fine after I took longer than expected.

Wasn't he supposed to care? Wasn't he supposed to show some interest at least?

"Hello Thor"

Loki's voice sounded matte but stronger than before Thor had entered.

"Brother. Y/N. The strange voice from the speakers informed me you're here."

"Seems as if you've found us. Were you looking for Y/N?"



Loki's features stiffened.

"I wanted to ask her about some Midgardian tradition," the god explained, then stopped short before adding, "But the speaker-voice also said you are having medical problems. What did you do?"

"What I did? Tell me, Thor, what do you think I did?"

"How would I know when you never leave your chambers?"

"The all-so-mighty Thor doesn't know everything? Then he must surely have the ability to see through walls at least."

Mockery was evident in Loki's voice. I felt as if I was watching a strange spectacle from far away, nothing but a bystander unable to look away as the air started to crackle from suspense.

While growing up, people talked about my career opportunities and grades, they used to make me the special child when I just wanted to be like all the other kids. And now, now that I did everything but fit in this American society, I was standing in a room with two old Norse deities I'd never deemed real before meeting them. I was watching, listening, noticing the lack of mutual trust and understanding as the younger was lying in a bed, body covered in hidden scars.

"Loki, please. Cease your blusterous talking. I can see something's wrong."

Loki sighed defeatedly.

"And what is it you see?"

"Don't make this harder than necessary, just tell me what happened. Please, brother."

A heavy silence hung above the three of us. Thor and Loki had known each other for more than a millennium, and here I, the young Earthling was standing, realizing I didn't have the slightest clue about anything. Neither about their past nor about what Asgard had been like.

What it must mean for Loki to have been living with so much pain and hurt I didn't even know of yet.

"Fine, Thor."

I noticed how he only called him by his name. Thor had called him brother.

"There was this mirror, I shattered it, I fell in the shards and they hurt me."

The Old Scars | Loki Hurt/ComfortWhere stories live. Discover now