Time Flies

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Almost a month had passed since the Moriarty incident, and things were practically back to normal. Sherlock, Melody, and John head along a back stage corridor while officers dashed in the opposite direction. Another case was solved, and the trio were heading home.

"So what's this one? The Bellybutton Murders?" Sherlock asked.

"The Navel Treatment?" John suggested.

"Eww." Melody said with a quiet laugh.

They head down a flight of steps to  the stage door area, where more policemen and Lestrade stood waiting beside a coat rack full of coats and costumes.

"Guys, there's a lot of press outside." Lestrade warned them.

Sherlock began heading to the doors. "Well they won't be interested in us."

"Yeah, that was before you were an internet phenomenon. Couple of them specifically wanted photographs of you three."

"Oh, for God's sake." Sherlock whipped around to the coat rack and took a couple of hats. He tossed one to John, then handed one to melody. Hers was a felt panama style hat that was just the right size for her head. "Cover your faces. John, you brung up the back. We'll move fast."

"Still, good for the public image, big case like this." Lestrade said.

"I'm a private detective. The last thing I need is a public image." Sherlock groused. As he spoke, he jammed a deerstalker hat on his head. He pulled it down over his face, grabbed Melody's hand, and started pushing through the doors into an explosion of flashbulbs.

The next week was a bit different, as John had made plans to travel to Dublin for a few days. Melody and Sherlock took that time to relax a bit and explore their new relationship. They were quite open with eachother about their boundaries and what they were comfortable with. They even progressed a bit physically, sleeping in the same bed each night and getting more risque when it came to kissing and intimate moments.

The night John came back, he found the two of them in the middle of quite a steamy snogging session on the sofa. The pair broke apart as soon as he opened the door, but it was no use. It was quite obvious as to what they had been doing, and John simply stood there and stared at them.

"Greg owes me twenty quid." He said simply before turning and walking to his bedroom.

Melody looked up at Sherlock in mild shock. "Well that went better than I thought it would when he found out."

"Agreed. Come on, let's get to bed." He replied, smiling as he pulled her towards the bedroom.

The next morning was beautiful and sunny out. The early morning sunshine peered through the curtains on the windows. Melody rolled over, stretching a bit as she looked at Sherlock. His eyes were closed, but he smiled at her nonetheless.

"Good morning, darling." He said, his hand reaching out to pull her closer.

"Good morning, love." She said, pressing her forehead against his.

He kissed her, his arm keeping her held tightly against him. Her leg wrapped around his waist, and his hand traveled down to her hip. Her hand tangled in his hair, prompting him to deepen the kiss.
"Boys! You've got another one!" Mrs. Hudson's voice called from the front room.

Melody and Sherlock both groaned in disappointment at their kiss broke. He rested his head in the crook of her neck and sighed deeply.

"I suppose we better go see what the fuss is about." Melody huffed. Sherlock kissed her neck and she gasped quietly. "Cmon, love, we've got to go." She said, half-heartedly.

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