Welcome to Baker Street

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 "Mum, I tried to tidy up as well as I could, but you know how Sherlock is about his...organized chaos." Melody said, leaning against the counter in her mother's kitchen.

"Yes,well, we'll just have to let them sort it out once they've gotten settled, won't we?" Mrs. Hudson said with a smile on her face. Her daughter watched as she scurried around the room, tidying things up here and there.

Melody was Mrs. Hudson's only child and had agreed to come home and keep her mother company after her father had been sentenced to death. The mere thought of her father caused a shudder to run up her spine. Her father was a horrible man and was the reason she had moved out the day after she turned eighteen.

Melody was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"Oh! That'll be the boys!" Mrs. Hudson said excitedly. She swiftly made her way to the door. Melody followed a few steps behind. She smiled at the sound of a somewhat familiar baritone voice and a newer, unfamiliar voice.

As the door opened, Melody saw her mother hug a tall figure with high cheekbones, a black coat, and a head of dark curls.

"Sherlock!" The older Hudson woman exclaimed joyously, throwing her arms around Sherlock.

"Mrs. Hudson. A pleasure as always." Sherlock said, patting the woman on the back before stepping back. "This is John Watson. He's the prospective roommate I mentioned." He introduced while John held out a hand to shake.

"Lovely to meet you, dear. Come in, come in! I'll show you up to your flat!" Mrs. Hudson said, ushering the two inside. As they entered, Sherlock caught a figure caught a figure out of the corner of his eye. He stayed behind for a moment while John followed Mrs. Hudson upstairs.

"Miss Hudson. I see you've not been getting enough sleep. Maybe do something about the darkness under your eyes. It doesn't suit you." Sherlock said, observing the woman.
Melody simply sighed.

"Lovely to see you again, too, Sherlock." She said, rolling her eyes. "Shall we go upstairs,  or would you like to insult me a bit more?"

Before he had a chance to retort, she went up the stairs, taking them in twos. Sherlock simply quirked an eyebrow and followed her.

Melody entered the flat, and Sherlock behind her. Her mother rushed downstairs for a moment while Mel looked around. She had to admit, the common room was fairly large and pleasant, but it was a dreadful mess, no matter how hard she tried to clean it.

Stacks of newspapers were strewn about, several computers were stacked in random places,a tumble of box files were lined along the shelves, books lay everywhere, and a terrifying collection of what looked like weapons was simply sitting out. Not to mention the fact that there was a skull on the mantlepiece. In the adjoining kitchen, the table was crammed with testubes, jars, and bunsen burners.

"Well! This could be very nice. Very nice indeed." John said from his standing place.

"Yes, I think so. My thoughts
exactly." Sherlock agreed, lightly brushing past Melody. "So I went ahead and moved in." He said at the same time as John remarked, "Soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out."

They looked at each other for a moment before John realized what was happening. Melody couldn't help but let out a small snicker as she sat herself in Sherlock's chair.

"Oh!" John exhaled, "So, this is all -"

"Obviously, I can straighten things
up a bit." Sherlock said, attempting to shuffle a few papers around.

"That’s a skull." John said, finally making his way to the mantlepiece.

"Friend of mine. Well, I say friend..." Sherlock trailed off, squinting at the woman who had taken up residence in his chair.

Mrs. Hudson finally came bustling back in, smiling as always.  "What do you think, Dr. Watson - there’s another bedroom upstairs." She suggested, giving the boys a knowing look.  "If you’ll be needing two bedrooms..."

John looked at her, a little affronted. "Well, of course we’ll be needing two." John said, his voice laced with confusion. Melody simpy burst into laughter, clutching her sides at the look on John's face.

"Oh don’t you worry, all sorts round
here. Mrs. Turner next door’s got
married ones." Mrs. Hudson said, smiling like nothing was off about what she was insinuating. Melody finally quieted her laughter and watched as her mother began looking around.

"Oh, Sherlock, the mess you’ve made. Mel, I thought you tidied up."She said, bustling into the kitchen area, tidying as she went.

"Only so much I could do without the fear of being experimented on in my sleep for moving something important." Melody said to herself.Sherlock smirked to himself at her comment, busying himself at his desk.

John eyed him thoughtfully. After a moment, he finally spoke up. "Looked you up on the Internet last night."

"Anything interesting?" Sherlock asked, offhandedly.

"Found your website - The Science of
Deduction." John said with a smirk.
Ahh, yes. The Science of Deduction. Melody had stumbled upon the same site not long after meeting the man. It was actually quite interesting, to be honest. She enjoyed learning about things the way Sherlock saw them.

"What did you think?" Sherlock quipped.

"You said you could identify a
software designer by his tie, and
an airline pilot by his left thumb." John said, slightly amused.

"Yes. And I can read your military career in your face and your leg and the drinking habits of your brother in your mobile phone." Sherlock said, deciding to show John just how extensive his deduction abilities were.

"How?" John said,intrigued.

Mrs. Hudson, who had been bustling about, straightening up, picked up a newspaper from the floor. "What about these suicides, then, Sherlock?" She interrupted. "Thought that would be right up your street. Three of
them, exactly the same. That’s a
bit funny, isn’t it?"

Suddenly, Sherlock's posture straightened up, staring like he sensed something in the air. Melody noticed the change and stood up from the chair.

"Sherlock?" She asked, cautiously approaching the man.

"Four. There’s been a fourth. And
there’s something different this
time." He said, suddenly looking at her.
The small spark in his eye told her that something big was coming. And his ghost of a smile told her that she was about to be pulled right into the middle of it.

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