Codes and Ciphers

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Several hours later, John was well rested, Sherlock had written a new piece, and Melody had cleaned the basement flat. Well, cleaned it as well as she could. She walked up the stairs to see her mother sitting at the table, sipping on tea.

"Everything is finished. I'm going to get a quick shower and then go out with the boys. Need anything?" Mel asked, putting the cleaning supplies in the broom closet.

"Oh, no,dear. You and the boys have a nice evening. Be safe." The woman assured her daughter.

Mel smiled and nodded, then got ready for their evening investigation. Once she was dressed and ready, she made her way up to Sherlock's living area. "Ready?" She asked, seeing the boys in their respective chairs.

They both looked up at her and nodded. "Ready." The boys said in unison.

They quickly made their way outside, noting that it was finally dark. Sherlock hailed a cab, and they made their way to the museum where they hoped to find Soo-Lin.

The trio waited until they were sure everyone was out of the building, then stealthily made their way inside. Sherlock led the way, silently taking them towards the source of the only noise in the building.

They approached the restoration room to see a small figure sittingat a desk. She had a small brass kettle of hot water and some green tea leaves, and she had catalogues and papers scattered across the workspace. Carefully she took the Zisha pot on her left and brewed the tea - sprinkling the leaves and delicately pouring in water.
Melody watched in fascination as the woman sloshed the tea around inside - coating the pot with the glaze. A sudden baritone voice startled her.

"Fancy a biscuit with it?"

She turned and dropped the pot in surprise causing it to nearly roll off the desk.

Sherlock rescued the pot as it began falling. Melody quickly approached, scolding him quietly.

"Centuries old. Don’t want to break it." Sherlock said with a chuckle. He turned on the light, finally illuminating all of their faces.

Soo-Lin looked nervous, even a bit agitated.

"Soo-Lin, I'm Melody. This is Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. I hate to tell you something you probably already know, but we think you may be in danger." Mel said grimly.

They carefully explained to the woman everything they knew so far, gauging her reactions to all of the information.

"You saw the cipher? You know that he is coming for me." She finally said.

"You’ve been clever. So far you’ve managed to avoid him." Sherlock countered.

"I had to finish. To finish this work. But it is only a matter of time. I know he will find me."

"Who is he? You’ve met him before?"

Soo-Lin nodded. "When I was a girl, living back in China. I recognise his... ‘signature’."

Mel took a moment to look around at what was on the desk. Books about ceramics and antiquities made up the biggest part of things. She chuckled when she saw an A to Z of London. It was a common book to have for those who weren't born in London.

"The cipher?" Sherlock's voice snapped her attention back.

"Only he would do this. Zhi Zhu." Soo-Lin explained.

"What?" John asked, his brows scrunched in confusion.

"It means ‘The spider’." Sherlock explained as Soo-Lin unlaced her shoe.

She took off her sock and lifted her foot.
There, on her heel, was a small circular tattoo - a black lotus flower inscribed in a circle. "You know this mark?"

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