Clever Girl

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"So, we can read her emails - so what?" Anderson questioned.

Sherlock continued tapping away as he rolled his eyes. "Don't talk out loud, Anderson, you lower the IQ of the whole street. We can do more than read her emails - it's a smartphone, it's got GPS. And if you lose it, you can locate it online."

On the screen popped up a message that said, "Your phone will be located in under three minutes.". alongside a little clock-face, with the arms spinning

"She's leading us right to the man who killed her." Melody said, almost excitedly.

"Unless he got rid of it." Lestrade countered.

"We know he didn't." John informed him.

"Come on, quickly, quickly!" Sherlock demanded of the computer.

"Sherlock, dear this taxi driver!" Mrs. Hudson insisted from the doorway.

"Mum, this really isn't a good time." Melody said gently, only slightly turning her head to look at her mother.

Sherlock sprung up from the netbook and approached Lestrade. "Get some vehicles ready, get a helicopter, we need to move fast - that phone battery won't last forever."

John went to the netbook and began drumming his fingers, willing the search to go faster.

"We'll just have a map reference, not a name!" Lestrade exclaimed.

"It's a start!" Melody countered, facing Lestrade.

"Sherlock." John said, his eyes glued to the computer screen.

"It narrows it down from anyone in London, it's the first proper lead we've had." Sherlock noted, agreeing with Mel.

"Sherlock!" John said sharply, causing the man in question to turn.

"Where is it, where, quickly!" He said, joining John at the screen. He stared, frowning.

"It's here. It's in 221 Baker Street."

"But it can't be. How can it be here?" Melody asked, confused.

"Maybe it was in the case when you brought it back - fell out somewhere." Lestrade suggested, looking at Sherlock.

"And I didn't notice. Me?? I didn't notice." Sherlock questioned.

"Anyway, I texted it and he phoned back." John pointed out.

Greg sighed as he turned to address his team. "Guys, we're also looking for a mobile somewhere here - belonged to the victim."

As Lestrade spoke, Melody's eyes traveled to Sherlock's face. She could tell that his mind was racing. "Come on, Sherlock, think." She whispered.

As Sherlock spun to face the door, he stilled, seemingly rooted to the spot.

"Sherlock? Are you okay, love?" Melody asked, approaching him.

Sherlock's mobile beeped.

"What? Yes, yes." He said blankly. He looked at his mobile. The room was swirling round him as the police searched the flat, but he just stared at his phone.

"So how can the phone be here?" John asked.

Melody studied his face and frowned. Something was wrong...

"I don't know ..." Sherlock murmured.

"I'll phone it again." John said, dialing the number.

"Good idea." As he spoke, he headed to the door.

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