Just Listen

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Melody woke up the next morning, thankful to have gotten a good night of sleep. It was rare, and therefore extremely valuable to her. She got out of bed and traipsed through the flat towards the kitchen, where her mother sat with a cuppa. Mel kissed the top of her mum's head and smiled.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" she asked as she opened the cabinet and retrieved a glass. She poured a glass of water and sat down at the table.

"I did." Mrs. Hudson replied with a warm smile. After a moment of silence, she looked at her daughter with a small smile. "You know, Sherlock was down here about an hour ago. I told him you were still asleep. You may want to go see what he was wanting, it seemed a bit important."

Mel was mildly surprised to hear that that Sherlock had been to the flat for her, but she simply brushed it off. He probably just wanted to know what she and Mycroft had talked about. She smiled and stood from her seat. "Thanks, Mum. I'll get ready and go up there to see what he needed." She said, before heading to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

As soon as she had showered and gotten cleaned up and gotten ready, she made her way up to 221 B and knocked before entering. Sherlock was sprawled in his armchair, obviously in his mind palace. She looked to see that he had printed off his photos of the graffiti - the blindfold and the tag. He had stuck them to the mirror above the fireplace and was staring at them in a trance – as if he was hoping their meaning would suddenly leap out at him. She simply chuckled before sitting in John's chair and picking up the book that she kept on the stand. She sat in comfortable silence as she read, occasionally glancing up at Sherlock.

About thirty minutes had passed when John walked in, the door slamming behind him. She looked up to see that he appeared pink and cheerful.

"I said could you pass me a pen?" Sherlock said, pulling their attention to him.

Melody raised a brow as she looked at him. "When did you ask that?"

Sherlock looked up at the girl, seeming a bit shocked that she was sitting there. "About an hour ago. I asked John to pass me a pen."

"Didn't notice I'd gone out, then?" John chuckled, refusing to let his good mood be shattered. He tossed Sherlock a pen before looking over at Melody. "I went to see about a job at that surgery you told me."

"Oh! How was it?" She asked, placing the book to the side.

"Great. She's great."

Melody smirked at his slip, and Sherlock looked at him in mild amusement.

"Who?" Sherlock questioned.

"The job." John replied in slight confusion. He hadn't realized his mistake.

"You said she, John." Mel said with a smile.

"It." John corrected, his face turning a dark pink.

"Here. Have a look." Sherlock said, pulling their attention back to him as he pointed to the open laptop on the desk.

Mel and John walked over to see that the page was opened on the webpage of a news story.

"'The intruder who can walk through walls'." John read aloud.

"Happened last night. Journalist shot dead in his apartment. Door locked. Windows bolted from the inside. Exactly the same as Van Coon."

"God. You think...?"

"He's killed another one."

Melody sighed as she turned and leaned against the work desk. "Bloody hell."

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