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Once they made it to the museum, they asked where Soo Lin was. Upon being informed that she had resigned, they were directed to a man named Andy, and made their way over to his location.

The Chinese Antiquities Room was filled with all sorts of interesting artifacts, but Melody knew that it wasn't the time to admire them. She followed John and Sherlock over to a man who seemed to be working there.

"Andy?" John asked as they approached.

The slight man looked over at the trio and smiled. "That's me. How can I help you?"

As the three came to a halt, they stood in a row. From the center, Melody spoke up. "Hi, Andy. We're detectives. I'm Melody. This is Sherlock and John." She said, pointing to both men respectively. "We're actually here to ask you about Soo Lin. We're looking for her."

"When was the last time you saw her?" Sherlock inquired.

"Three days ago. Here, at the museum. This morning - they told me she’d resigned. Just like that. Left her work unfinished." Andy spilled.

Sherlock looked around, trying to gather information. The Empress’ mannequin; the Jade exhibition; the wall of Benefactors’ names. "What was the last thing she did - on her final afternoon?"

Andy led them to the back room where ther were tons of other artifacts. "She does this demonstration for the tourists - a tea ceremony. She’d have packed her things away and put them here." He said, opening one of the containment areas.

Melody, however, grabbed Sherlock's hand and pulled him towards a Greek marble statue. Written on the body of the statue - in yellow paint... the same Chinese death cipher they had been seeing. She looked up at the statue, wide-eyed and in mild shock. Soo Lin had recieved the same threat.

"John, I believe we have what we need. Andy, thank you." Sherlock said, Melody close behind.

John gave a nod to the museum worker and followed his partners hastily out of the museum.

"We have to get to Soo Lin Yao." Sherlock said as they walked down the street.

"If she’s still alive! That cipher means he’s planning to kill her next." Melody fussed.

"That’s why I found him in that flat -he was waiting for her."

Before Melody could react, a voice called out from behind them.


They turned to see Raz there in a dirty hoody and trainers.

"Well, look who it is..." John trailed off.

"I’ve found something you’ll like." The younger man said, motioning for them to follow him.

They walked along the South Bank, and Mel admired the twinkling lights as they reflected in the Thames. Had it been under any other circumstances, she would have loved to simply stop and admire the view.

"Tuesday morning. All you’ve got to do is turn up and say the bag was yours." John carried on, trying to convince Raz to take the fall for his own crime.

"Can we forget about your court date?" Sherlock huffed.

They soon arrived on the South Bank, underneath the Hayward gallery. The walls were thick with graffiti - street art from hundreds of different authors.

Sherlock stared at the myriad of colours that surrounded them. "If you wanted to hide a tree then the best place to do it is a forest, wouldn’t you say? People would just walk past it, not knowing - not able to decipher the message."

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