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A few minutes later. The five of them sat having Tea. Mycroft took the job of pouring. "I'll be mother."

"And there's a whole childhood in a nutshell." Sherlock quipped.

"My employer has a ... problem. A matter has come to light of an extremely delicate, and potentially criminal nature - and in this hour of need, dear brother, your name has arisen."

"Why? You have a police force - of sorts. Even a marginally secret service. Why come to me?"

"People do come to you for help, don't they, Mr. Holmes?" Harry asked.

"Not, to date, anyone with a navy."

"This is a matter of the highest security, and therefore of trust." Mycroft informed them.

"You don't trust your own secret service?" John asked.

"Why would he? They all spy on people for money. Although, that's what he hired me for in a manner of speaking, so I suppose he is getting his secret service on the job." Melody reasoned.

"Fair point." Sherlock agreed.

"But it's Sherlock and Melody you want - what am I doing here?" John asked.

"I did wonder myself, Mycroft." Harry admit.

"My baby brother is a genius in his chosen field. But in this case, we need a genius with a conscience - which, typically, my brother has outsourced. I'd say dear Melody would be enough for this, but I do fear this may be an all hands on deck situation." Mycroft explained.

"Oh, great. I'm Jiminy Cricket." John huffed.

The Holmes brothers both laughed - a rare moment of bonding between them. Melody smiled warmly.

"Actually, that rather works." Mycroft informed him.

"It does, doesn't it?" Sherlock agreed.

"I do think we have a timetable." Harry interjected.

"Of course, yes." Mycroft said as he took an envelope from his case and slid a photograph from it. He passed it to Sherlock. "What do you know about this woman?"

On the photograph was a headshot of a stunningly beautiful woman. Even Melody had to admit.

"Nothing whatsoever." Sherlock admit. "But she's clearly very attractive. John, you might want to dab your shirt front. Who is she?"

"You should be paying more attention. She's been at the centere of two political scandals in the past year, and recently ended the marriage of a promenant novelist by having an affair with both participants separately."

Melody looked up at Mycroft with wide eyes.

"You know I don't concern myself with trivia. Who is she?" Sherlock brushed off.

"Irene Adler, professionally known as The Woman." Mycroft informed him.
"Professionally?" John asked.

"There are many names for what she does - she prefers dominatrix."

"Dominatrix?" Sherlock asked.

"Don't be alarmed. It's do to with sex."

"Sex doesn't alarm me. Just ask Melody." Sherlock said, causing Melody to choke on her tea. John pat her on the back as she set her cup and saucer down.

"We've not- he's just- I-." She stuttered.

Mycroft decided to keep talking in order to get the attention off of Melody. "Miss Adler provides, you might say, recreational scolding to those enjoy that sort of thing, and are prepared to pay for it."

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