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John and Mel walked in comfortable silence for a few blocks. Mel simply wished to enjoy the night air, and John agreed to accompany her. According to him it wasn't "safe" for a woman such as herself to be walking along by herself at night. She simply sighed at that notion.

A telephone began ringing out of nowhere, causing Melody to look around. There was a solitary phone box, a little distance from them. Instinctively, John glanced back at Melody, like he almost expected her to know who it was- but no, Mel had an eyebrow quirked, and a curious look on her face.

John turned and walked on, Mel following close behind. As they passed by, the telephone stopped ringing.

"Curious." Mel mused to herself.

John limped on, trying to hail a Taxi, but failing. It headed straight past him.

"Yeah, thanks." He muttered.

Again, ringing. He glanced behind him, through the open door of a cramped little convenience store. At the back of the shop, there was a payphone, which was ringing.

John, frowning now,thought aloud. "Couldn’t be for me. Nah, that’s stupid. Stupid."

"Dunno, John. Could be for you. Could just be coincidence. But I have come to learn from being around Sherlock that there is no such thing as a true coincidence." Melody reasoned.

Just as the shopkeeper reached to answer the phone - it stopped.

Suddenly, a phone in a box across the street started to ring. John and Mel, just about to cross the road, exchanged looks.

"This can’t be happening. This is ridiculous!" John exclaimed as they approached the box.

Melody walked briskly forward and flung the booth open,before pulling the phone off of the reciever and answering.

"Hello? Can I help you?" She asked.

John just looked at her in slight awe.

"Ms. Hudson, if you would kindly put John Watson on, it would be appreciated." A posh voice replied calmly. A very... familiar, posh voice.

" this-"

"Ms. Hudson, please. There is a cab coming round to retrieve you and bring you back to my brother at your residence. Now, if you please, allow me to speak to John Watson." He said, obviously exasperated.

Melody rolled her eyes and muttered "drama queen", before handing the phone to John. As promised, a cab rolled up to the curb.

"Well, while you deal with this whole situation, I'm going home. I'll see you in a bit." Mel said, opening the cab door. Before getting in,she turned back to her friend. "Oh, and John? Just do whatever he asks. It's easier that way." And with that, she got into the cab and shut the door.

"Bloody Holmes boys." She muttered to herself.

"Where to, miss?" The cabbie asked.

"Two two one, Baker Street." She said with a small smile.

"Absolutely." The cabbie said with a smile.

As the cab drove down the streets of London, Melody's mobile rang. Upon seeing the caller ID, she answered without a greeting.

"Mycroft, if you get much more overdramatic, I may as well give you a crown and start calling you the Queen. Not that you practically aren't at this point, but still. You could have just rang me."

"And lose the element of surprise? Never, my dear. And as I've told you before,I simply occupy a minor position in the British Government." The man replied smoothly.

"Right. And I'm a bloody detective." Mel scoffed.

"It seems that with a bit more practice alongside my dear brother, you could be. One of the best,at that." He teased.

"Mycroft, if I didn't know any better, I would say you're fond of me." She quipped.

"Ahh, yes. But you do know better, don't you?"

"Of course. After all, you and your brother are much more alike than either of you would like to admit. I remember the first time we met. I thought you were an ass."

"And now?"

"Oh,you're still an ass. But now you're an ass who keeps us safe. So there's that."

Mycroft let out an almost undetectable chuckle, which brought a smile to Melody's face.

"Well, I do believe that you are pulling up to Baker Street now, Ms. Hudson. Don't worry about the fare, he's been paid and generously tipped. Go deal with my brother. Keep him from doing anything too detrimental to his health. You know how it would upset Mummy should harm befall him."

"I'm well aware of that, Croft. Tell Mummy Holmes not to worry herself. Sherlock lives at Baker Street. How much trouble could he possibly get into?" She chuckled, hanging up the phone.

As the cab rolled to a stop, Mel opened her door. "Thank you, sir!" She called to the white haired gentleman who had driven her.

"My pleasure. Have a lovely night, miss." He replied curtly.

"And you as well." She said, exiting the vehicle.

She approached the door and put her key in the hole. Unlocked. Of course. "One of these days, some stranger is going to just come barging in, and Sherlock Holmes is going to be the one to blame." She muttered, flitting up the stairs to Sherlock’s flat. She entered to see him lying on the sofa ,his hands templed in prayer beneath his chin.

"Hello there." She said, smiling slightly.

Sherlock made no motion to acknowledge that he had heard her.

"Right then. Mind Palace." She reasoned, settling into the brunet man's chair. She would simply wait until either Sherlock came out of his Mind Palace, or John came home from his meeting with Mycroft. Either way, she was probably going to be there for a while. She curled into the chair and felt her eyes grow heavy as sleep overcame her.

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