Chapter 5: Meeting Between the Two Powerful Mafia Family

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Alessandro wasn't in a good mood when he arrived at the restaurant where his father, the barrett's and him are having a meeting instead of his original plan to make peace with them his father will make peace with the barrett's through marriage.

He sat with the barrett waiting for his father Scarlett is sitting outside the private room.  "How old is your daughter?" Alessandro asks emotionless dante and Faye flinches at the mention of their precious daughter "she's 28 years old" Dante answered coldly trying to read what the man in front of him is planning

Then the door opened revealing an old man in his early 60s in a dark red suit. Both the Barrett's stood up and greeted the old man he sat down next to Alessandro and grin "shall we start?" He asks his grin drop and replace with a serious expression "yes, we shall" Dante said who also has a serious expression.

"Okay then. Firstly, May i know how you got in contact with my son?" Mr Adamos asked " we didn't get in contact in fact this is our first meeting with Mr Alessandro" Dante answered " i see i have a theory my son probably wants to make alliance with the barrett's" Alessandro stayed silent.

" Is that so-" Mr Adamos interrupts Dante " in one condition....your daughter marries my son" hearing these words faye snap " Hell no! My daughter will only marry the man she loves" " is that so you leave me no choice" an evil grin creeps on Mr Adamos lips " the-" but his son interrupt him " i don't need to marry your daughter the Guillebeaux's are planning to takeover the government before us" Alessandro said a hint of anger in his voice only his father noticed it.

" What?!" Dante yelled as he stood up and both his hands slammed on the table "calm down Mr Barrett" Mr Adamos said " but the government attack is supposed to happen in 5 years, why now?" Dante asks his wife rubbing his back to calm him down he already sat down " we don't know but one of my men overheard a rumor from the rico mafia and reports to me trust me i didn't believe it at first but 2 weeks later the rico family came and request an alliance and told us about the plan the Guillebeauxs possible plan that will take place two years from now" Alessandro said both arms cross.

" What if the Rico's are lying?" Faye asked concerned " No they are way below us they would never mess with us but if they really did lie they cannot lie this big he explained that the Guillebeauxs already taken over a small part of the government" Alessandro explain " and the Rico's have now secretly alliance a few low mafias and counting on us the Adamos to alliance the bigger and more powerful mafias" Mr Adamos said he continue " this alliance is being done secretly so that the Guillebeaux do not notice that we're on to them"

" If Alessandro marries my daughter will he protect her?" Dante ask the three persons were taken aback by the change of topic " yes he will" Mr Adamos said softly this time " Alessandro i need the answer from you" Dante look at the man sitting directly opposite to him Alessandro sigh " yes, i will" with a smile " i will tell you my answer in 6 months" with that he left and his wife following close.

Alessandro sighs "Mr Barrett just asked you to take care of his daughter if he and his wife didn't make it to the end of stopping the Guillebeauxs plan to takeover the government first" Mr Adamos said to his son " well it's your fault your tha one who suggested the marriage before we told them about the Guillebeauxs plan to takeover the government first" Alessandro drink a wine then continue " now i have to wait for their answer in 6 months" he run his hands through his hair in frustration.

With Mr and Mrs Barrett. Both of them are in a five star hotel laying on the bed faye sigh " do you really trust Mr Adamos son to take care of our daughter if we didn't make it back" ask faye "no, i don't but their mafia is its hard to admit but they are stronger that us we are the 3rd in the most powerful and bigger mafia in the world the 2nd is the Guillebeauxs the 1st is the Adamos" Dante said a bit  hesitant to say that the 1st, 2nd and 3rd part.

Faye smiled sadly and hugged her husband both fell asleep thinking about what Marceline's reaction be. Would she hate them?

With Marceline and emma all they did was lay in bed the butler and maids were dragging them both out off the bed since it has to be changed and they need a bath. So they were forced to drag them downstairs and into the guestroom to clean up.

They did eventually take a bath themselves and eat something light. Then at midnight both of them got out of the bed and bake at the kitchen since both of them are a bit childish they made a lot of nosy but not loud enough to be heard in the maids side of the mansion only the butler woke up and went to them then scolded them.

"Seriously, whenever you and emma are in charge there has to be chaos happening day and night" the butler sighed his hair is a bit messy and his in his PJs and both Marceline and Emma never seen him in PJs before so they have mixed emotion they are guilty and trying to keep their laugh in as both of them are kneeling and head bow.


"Goodnight" Marceline said and lazily walked back to her room Emma slowly following behind her and whisper a goodnight.

Both of them have eaten the cookies they bake and were forced by the butler to clean their mess

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