Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: I think about it and my answer is......

}• Marceline's Pov •{

Utensils having contact on plates are the only sound that can be heard on the dinning room the atmosphere feels awkward. For minutes silence until i decided to talk "mom dad i've made my decision" i said confidently as i look into Dad's eyes.

"And you answer is?" Mom asked as soon as she put down her fork and knife.

"I think about it and maybe....

" I don't want to get married" i continue " i don't think it's time yet maybe a couple more years " mom look at dad with a worried expression then she turn to me.

" Hun, you don't have a choice we know you would say no so we send them an answer for you" my eyes widen why? Did they want me to get married in the first place?

My eyes filled with tears as i left the dinning room to my room there i cried and cried.

}• Alessandro's Pov •{

I got a text from dad and told me to meet him in his office on HQ today. I got up and put on a turtle neck sweatshirt and some back pants.

Driving through the city and to HQ won't take a while

That weird there isn't any deliveries until Monday why would he want me to come?

I thought. Arriving at the gate it was immediately opened as i continue to drive pass it i saw that there is no cargo meaning there's no deliveries i frown.

Parking my car i walk pass some of my men when i reach my father's office door i opened it no need to knock i know he already know i'm here.

"What's going on?" I asked dad's sipping on a cup of coffee on the couch with his laptop opened on the coffee table my frown deepen.

"Sit i have i think good or badnews" he said standing up and putting his coffee down he guide me in front of his laptop i saw that he has an email i look at it and it was from Mr Barrett "quickly open it i haven't seen it since i wanted to know his answer about the marriage together" he sat beside me i clicked on the email.

From: Mr and Mrs Barrett
To: Mr Adamos

It's been a while mr Adamos but i hope you haven't forgotten about the marriage you ask between our children.

I send you this email to tell you our answer and to tell you that our daughter doesn't want to get married but her protection matters more.

Our answer is yes we agree on your offer to protect our daughter Marceline Mal Barrett we will arrange a meeting with our family this weekend and we will meet again next week Monday.

Godbless and see you on soon

I stared at the screan once more after reading it out loud i look at my father he's smiling ear to ear he took out his phone and call probably my mom to tell her about the engagement.

I too took out my phone and called someone who was my now ex-girlfriend and break up with her without any reason i never back down on my words that's what my mother thought me growing up.

As soon as i turn off my phone it opened again by a call from Scarlett i answer it. "What?" I asked "oh nothing just congratulate my older brother on getting engaged' i heard her sinister little giggle me, dad and Scarlett are the only ones that know it's a arrange marriage. She hung up immediately after her giggles good thing she did or else o would have been screaming at her by now.

Text from the twins, my sassy aunt who is my favorite aunt, cousins and the one that's fresh out of jail, uncles and the other two who i thought was dead since i haven't heard from them for years almost all my relatives is texting me the my aunt who talk shit about everyone isn't because i never give her my number.

My dad is practically jumping up and down i just hope he knows that i won't give him a grandchild because they are a pain in the ass.

}• Marceline's Pov •{

I woke up with my pillow wet from crying i looked at the window and saw that it was night i my stomach growl

I hope there's still food

I thought as i look at the clock it was 11:04pm. I wash my face and was about to go downstairs to see if there's dinner when i looked down there is a tray and a note i bend down to take the tray before going to my coffee table i opened the note

I'm so sorry hun I know it's a lot to take in but it's for your safety so please eat dinner i cooked it my self extra special

-Mother Faye

I sigh and open the lid to reveal a lasagna with mango juice i smiled and started to eat while looking through social media and came across Reen the girl who would always copy me when i was in college like my clothes, bags, hairstyles, ect. At first i was pissed but soom enough i got use to it and she started to copy someone else since she isn't getting any reaction from me.

Anyway Reen has a new post in the photo there she's sitting on a red sports car as she wear a red bikini the caption said 'Thank you sugar daddy' i sigh i already know who she's copying this time it was Uel smith the girl who went bankrupt and now has a sugar daddy to pay for her things.

After i eat i put the lid back on and went to my bed and take my ipad and started to scroll on social media to see something i might be interested in.

I wonder how my cousins are doing?

I thought. I searched their names on Instagram and saw that Stephen got broke up with his 5th girlfriend this year his always a playboy.

While stalking my cousins i got a notification from a girl named Mina Jia i clicked on it.

Mina: hi


Mina: sorry i know it's late but can you be my chat mate for tonight?

Ah, sure i got nothing else to do anyway

Mina:okay cool. Let's play 20 questions

Sure you go first

Just like that I started to talk to her it turns out she's from Italy and she's bored on her work and needed someone to chat with.

Future Marceline

Little did i know she's the reason why i have a big belly

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