Chapter 9,

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~Chapter 9: Dinner Celebration ~

}• Alessandro •{

Today i got a call from HQ that five trucks were missing and they said that at least 2-3 trucks have our newest weapon that will be delivered to Russia the next morning.

Now i'm chasing one of the trucks while Scarlett and her team are chasing the others.

Boss! We caught 3 of the trucks one is empty

Said in the walkie-talkie I picked it up near my mouth "how about the other one?" I ask

Boss, the one ma'am Scarlett is chasing is heading to a forest

"Tsk, call back up and block the path towards the forest and exit out of the city" i ordered

Yes boss!

I put down the walkie-talkie and went on a short cut to try and block the truck.

Time skip

We were able to get back all 4 of the trucks the other one was destroyed when it hit a building I had my men investigate the truck to see if there was any evidence that could lead to us.

After the chase i got a call from mom saying that we will have a dinner celebration of my engagement.

I sigh 😮‍💨 and texted back


I got a response that read the restaurant. I go back to my office to sort out some paperwork.

Time Skip

I finally arrived at the restaurant. I got out of my car and gave the key to the guy who will park it. Going in i went to the front desk.

"Adamos" i said she nod and stood up "please this way" i follow her to a private room i nod and and she left i opened the door to see that the twins are here with my parents i sat next to Adrian who wore a button up shirt.

"Brother, Congratulations!" Aiden yellep as he smiled at me i didn't respond but only nod.

As everyone started to come I got more congratulations to my 'arrange' marriage.

"So when will we meet this girl you're marrying?" One of my uncles asked

" When she is ready"I answered bluntly because I haven't even met her

When everyone was there we started eating. The night went on for 3 hours when it was getting late we left the restaurant.

(Let's just skip when Marceline and Alessandro meet because I'm getting anxious here)

I sat in the living room of my parents house waiting for the Barrett's to arrive with my soon-to-be wife.

Then the doorbell rang through the house and I stood up and went to the front door to greet my soon-to-be in-laws.


The door opened and revealed 5 people one woman and four men.

"Welcome to our home Mr. Barrett" said the older man

"Thank you for inviting us Mr and Mrs Adamos. This is my daughter Marcelline mal Barrett" my father introduced me

" Nice to meet all of you" I said and they all started to introduce themselves there's the twins Adrian and Aiden then my soon-to-be husband Alessandro.

" Come on, my wife prepared dinner" my soon-to-be father in-law said

We followed them to the dining room. I was about to sit next to mom when Mrs Adamos spoke "Marceline sit next to Alessandro"

I was about to refuse when mom nudged me "okay" I said and went to sit next to the handsome man.

Through dinner neither me nor Alessandro spoke "oh, where the time has gone by its getting late why don't you stay and sleep here" Mrs Adamos spoke

"Alright" mom answered calmly

"Alessandro and Marceline should share a room" Mr Adamos said I looked at him wide eyed then Alessandro stood up and slammed his hand on the table

"We aren't even married yet!" He yelled

"Well when you are then it won't be a problem" mom said

"Mom!" I said as if a warning

"Alright it's decided. Prepare one guestroom Marceline and Alessandro are sleeping in his room tonight" Mrs Adamos said

Arguing with our parents would be useless so I just stayed quiet but Alessandro didn't "No! Marceline will stay in one of the guestrooms"he yelled again

" Alessandro adamos don't you dare use that tone on your parents! "His father yelled back

He stayed quiet and he frowned "fine" he looked at me "come on follow me"

I nod and mutter a goodnight to my parents and Alessandro's parents and siblings before following alessandro.

We walked through the hallways until he stopped in front of a door and opened it "get in" he said holding the door for me I did.

He closed the door behind him.

"You sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch" he said and before walking past me I panicked

"No, you sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch" I said he stopped walking and I feel him stare at me so I looked down on the ground

"And why is that?"

"Well, because that's your bed and-"

"That's bullshit your the guest you sleep on my bed" he said strongly

" B-but it's your bed" I reason with him

" Just shut up and take a shower" he then left the room i stayed still for awhile before looking up to see the room it was big and black

" Just shut up and take a shower" he then left the room i stayed still for awhile before looking up to see the room it was big and black

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I saw my suitcase near the door and opened it to get what I needed. I looked for the bathroom and showered.

When Alessandro come back I was done I saw sat on the couch "tsk, like I said sleep on my bed it's not big of deal" he said he sounded annoyed as he went to the bathroom

I slowly lay on his bed i close my eyes to try and at least get out of this awkward situation.

As i feel sleepy I fell into dream land.


I got out of the shower and saw that Marceline laying on my bed I shrug it off and just realized what I had gotten myself into my couch is small I won't be able to sleep in it.

So I just slowly and quietly lay on my bed next to my soon-to-be wife I turn the lights off and drip off to sleep hopefully I wake up first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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