A couple at last

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After they ate hizashi insisted on going to the lake to see the fireworks as they took a seat on the grass beneath a tree hizashi contemplated asking. "Screw it" hizashi thought to himself, "Hey sho?" "Yeah?" Aizawa said looking away from the fireworks his eyes a little brighter. "Well uh- Would you like to be my boyfriend.." hizashi said quietly looking at the grass a million thoughts going through his head. "Yeah I would like to be.. on one condition" hizashi looked up shocked that he said yes, "what is it?" Aizawa turned to look at the fireworks once more. "Can we maybe keep us a secret.. just for the time being"  hizashi was shocked aizawa seemed so hesitant about asking. "Yeah of course! I get it.. I don't want people or students at work knowing either so yeah we can keep it on the low" hizashi said a smile forming on his face. Aizawa layed his head on hizashi's shoulder as they watched the fireworks together for the first time as a couple...

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