Going to bed hungry

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Aizawa checked his phone and noticed the time, "shit it's already 10?" He mumbled as he started walking the other direction. Unlocking the door aizawa walked in and threw his bag on the bench next to the door. "Hey sho-! I made Ramen do you want some?" Hizashi said rubbing his neck. "No thanks.. I'm going to bed" Aizawa mumbled brushing past hizashi and into the bedroom. Hizashi's smile faded is he walked behind aizawa and cuddled him in bed. "Zashi I just wanna sleep not have sex-" "I know- i just wanted to cuddle you.." hizashi said pulling away and sleeping the opposite way. Aizawa sighed and flipped to the opposite side too. They layed there in silence, surprisingly aizawa fell asleep first and hizashi just layed there staring at the wall. 'I'm such a horrible boyfriend- do I ask for sex THAT much?' Hizashi thought to himself as he sat on the edge of the bed silently crying. He looked over at the clock, 'huh it's already 4- guess I should start getting ready shota will be up by 5 so I have time to get ready and leave before he wakes up.' Hizashi thought and got up. Walking into the closet he slipped into hero uniform and leather jacket. Stepping out he tiptoed to the kitchen where he quickly wrote a note saying *Hey sho! I'm sorry I left early- but I made you breakfest! Im really sorry about yesterday* and set out a small breakfast for aizawa. 'Eh I'm not not hungry' hizashi thought to himself as he tierdly slipped into his boots. Quickly lacing them up he heard aizawa shuffle in their room and grabbed his bag, hurrying out the door. 'He won't want to see me anyways and if he does we can talk at school." Hizashi thought as he locked the door and started walking to UA as he forgot his keys in the house..

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