Chapter 1 ~ Gathering

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Aurora and Ryders song: Our Song- T- Swift <3

I like to consider myself as a very smart human being. I love school, that's why I finished high school a year early, and I only had to go to college for one year because I took classes during highschool.

There was nothing specific I wanted to do, I just wanted a degree just in case I thought about something later along the way. My dream job was to be a chef. I know it's weird , right? But ever since I was a little girl, momma always taught me how to cook and I fell in love with it.

My own restaurant would be nice, even a diner would work. I just have a huge thing for cooking and it would be wrong to not chase that silly dream.

People think that's weird, that I want to become a chef instead of being a doctor or a cop. But it's just right for me. I'm very closed off and being a chef means that I get to stay in the kitchen to cook while demanding my workers to do the talking for me.

I work at a local store, a shoe store. It pays well and puts food on my table. I moved out of my parents house right when I turned eighteen. I worked at a grocery store since I was 15 and saved up all that money plus birthday and holiday money for my own place.

My brother Greyson on the other hand, is a children's doctor. He did college classes in Highschool to get caught up and this year he finally came through and got a job temporarily until he finishes school.

"Rory. your shift is done." My friend Gianna gives a small smile. I met her back when I started working here. She is a really nice girl and she is one of my best friends. "Ok! Thank you sweetie!" I grab my purse and head out of the store.

I unlock my car and look at my phone to see mom wants to have dinner tonight. I text her an 'okay' and start my car. I will be like two hours early to dinner but whatever. Maybe Greyson will let me play some of his video games.

I drive fifteen minutes to mom and dads while singing my lungs out to my music. I'm one of those people who don't care if someone is looking at me while I am jamming out at a stop light. I will just smile and wave, go about my day.

I pull into mom and dads driveway when I see my brother Reece and his seven year old and four year old Lydia and Aspen playing in the yard while Mayella reads a book on the porch.

"Hey baby sister!" Reece helps me out of the car and hugs me. "Girls! Aunty Rory is here!" Lydia and Aspen come up to me and give me big hugs. "I missed you girls!" I kiss both their foreheads and close my car door.

"Here for dinner?" I nod, walking up to the porch. I greet a pregnant Mayella who sits with her feet up and crossed. "How's baby Finley?"

"A pain in my butt. Your brother is not going near me until I'm old enough to not produce babies." I laugh at her response and walk inside the house.

Wow, the gang's all here. Willow and Maddox sit on the couch in the first room while their newborn baby Quinn. Willow and Maddox made it clear they weren't baby people. They would be the cool uncle and aunt, but they ended up getting pregnant with Quinn over a year ago.

I greet them as well as Abby and Cole. I walk over to mom and dad and kiss their cheeks too. I walk over to the kitchen and grab a snack and sit on the couch playing with Quinn.

"Eli, did you get a new boy?" Cole asks.

"I did, I think he is around 23? He is good at what he does, a very good assistant." I love hearing about my dad's job. Once he retired from the NHL, he decided to coach for younger boys. He has been on and off with assistants but I guess this one is sticking.

"That's nice." Abby points out.

The rest of the night goes by in a quickie. Dinner was great, we played games, got to chat about everything that we recently missed in each other's lives. I'm so glad that I'm older and able to be a part of adult conversations.

Since me and Grey were the youngest at some point, we would always be playing while the "grown ups" talk.

Speaking of Greyson... He hasn't shown up tonight. I know he is supposed to be catching up on all the school work he had, but I expected him here so that we could talk.

I go up to my childhood room and grab my recipe book and pick out an easy snack to make. I go downstairs as the door is opening. Speaking of him. Greyson walks in, he sees me and gives me a bright smile. He hugs me.

"Hey Rory!" He wraps an arm around my shoulder. "How's life?"

"It's fine Greyson, how are you?" I ask. We walk into the kitchen and when mom sees Greyson, she pulls him away from me and tells him to sit while she gets a meal ready for him. Greyson is only an hour older than me but he acts like he is a whole year.

I guess that's what happens when you're the older one of twins, you get the higher part.

I sit next to Mayella as she talks about how hard it has been to be pregnant and run the art exhibit at the same time. It's crazy to think she started it when she was just married to my brother and now they have two kids and one on the way.

I decide I'm done with chit chat for the night and tell everyone goodnight as I leave. I make sure to drive safely back to my apartment. I open my door to see my rabbit Frankie greet me at the door.

I recommend training your rabbit like a dog. I pick him up and kiss him all over while going to the fridge and getting him some dinner.

I rested easy for the rest of the night, not wanting to even think about how I had to be in to work tomorrow to open up the shop.



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