Chapter 20 ~ Opened

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I lay in my bed only thinking about what Grey told me. Ryder had come by and told me to call him when I was home. I keep looking over to my phone debating what I should do.

I pick up my phone and go to my contacts and hover my finger over the call button. My hands shaking as my finger inches closer and closer to my screen. I accidentally got lost in my thoughts and my finger had automatically gone down.

I internally curse and look at the phone ringing. He picks up almost immediately and his voice comes through my screen, even though it's not on speaker. "Hello?" His husky voice calls out to me but I'm staring at my phone.

"I know you're staring at your phone Aurora, please pick it up." Dang it. I think his pleading voice runs through my arms and I pick up my phone placing it to my ear.

"Hello?" My voice is coming out as shaky." "How are you?" He responds.

"I'm... fine, you?" I ask him to sit up in my bed and play with my pajamas. "I'm good, had a busy day?" I nod even though he can't see it. "Yeah." He sighs. "I- I wanted to- I wanted to ask you... forget it, it's stupid."

"No. What is it?" I hear myself asking. I wait for his response that comes after a 10 second silent moment. "Can- do you want to come over?" He sounds unsure.

Me on the other hand, my heart skips a beat. My tummy starts to wiggle around. "I mean you don't ha-" I cut him off, "Ok." It's silent again.




And that's how I end up at his front door, hoping that he can sense I'm here so I don't have to knock. I let out a breath and slowly raised my hand to the door. I knock only twice and then step back.

A few seconds go by and then the door opens to Ryder, he is wearing a loose shirt and some joggers. He doesn't say anything, he just gestures for me to come in. "Laklyn isn't here. Just thought I'd tell you in case that's the only reason you came."

I let out an unlady -like snort that I one hundred percent got from my dad. He leads us to the living room and we take a seat. A part of me wants to ask why he has me here at twelve in the morning, but the other side of me likes the mystery game.

"I- I just wanted to make sure you were okay, from... the other night." I stiffened at his words but I let out a deep breath. I can do this. You can trust him.

"I'm not okay to be honest." I blankly say. I look up to him and see him gesturing for me to go on. "That was an ex, probably wasn't hard to assume." I let out a humorous laugh. "Um, all it was was him not being loyal... that's it." I play with my hands.

"I know that's not all of it, Aurora. Please, I can't stand the thought of you being so upset about a douche like him." I actually laugh at that. For the longest time, dad, Reece, Maddox, Cole, and Greyson have been telling me he was never good for me and I was too high up for him.

"He, I thought that... we were in an endgame. On graduation day, he told me that he had been seeing someone, even before we started dating, they traveled for the summer. While I sat in my room, thinking about how stupid I was to think that he would be the one taking me on vacation. But no, he had another girl all along." I choke on the last part and look down.

Ryder is silent for the time being so I do what I do best, I ignore he is here and let my words pour out. "He- he told me he wanted a family with me. And in my head. I thought that we would be together forever. And that's not the first time I saw him, the other night. When you asked me to watch over Laklyn, we went to the store. And- he wouldn't let go of our conversation. I felt awful for putting Laklyn in that place."

I don't say anything else, I can't, because by the time my tears are falling down. I'm brought into strong arms, arms that have never felt so safe. Who knew arms could do that. I didn't.

Ryder had to have stood up and then walked over to me. I wasn't paying attention. I let my tears fall and let him hold me. He rocks us back and forth and I try to come down from my cries.

He has one hand wrapped securely around my head, pushing my head into his warm neck, the other hand rests on my upper back, going in circles.

"Shh, it's okay. I got you darling." He says with such gentleness. I never want this feeling to fade. I want him to let me stay here with him forever, plus Laklyn.

My heart isn't freaking out though, it feels at peace. I don't think I have ever felt so... cared for. Of course outside of my family.

He pulls away from our hug and cups my cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe under my eyes. This gives me a chance to look deep into his face. He has dark eyes that I'm familiar with, he had light freckles covering his face.

His stubble looks freshly washed. It's my favorite feature about him. I want to reach my arms up and rub it, but my arms are in my lap. Ryder and I make eye contact again, this time, with more.

"Aurora, listen to me okay darlin?" I nod my head but it's almost impossible because his grip on my face is tight, but I don't think it's tight enough.

"You. Aurora. Are the bravest woman I know, and the kindest person ever. If a man like him ever breaks your heart, he wasn't worth it." I find myself melting at his words. He sounds like... like he had known my personality for years.

"I have only known you for... three months. And let me tell you darlin, you. Are. A. Brave. Woman. You remind me of my mother in every way. She- she would be proud of me for meeting you and for being beside you."

At the mention of his mother my tears start spilling out. "Thank you." I whisper, my voice cracking as I do so.

"Don't thank me darlin, I'm just telling you what he should have told you." I nod my head. He wipes away my tears once more. "Do you need me to walk you home?" I nod my head. He lets go of my face and gives me one last tight hug that I hate to pull away from.

He intertwined our hands and walked us to the door. Once I shut the door to my apartment I smile to myself.

I did it. I opened up to him. Going to bed with a proud smile, I don't think about Miles, I think about how far I have come since Miles. There is finally one man, outside of family, that I can trust.



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