Chapter 19 ~ Thoughts

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I'm such a wimp. I'm sitting in Ryder's car as he drives us home, trying my best not to cry. He could tell my heart stopped when Miles walked in, and that the entire time, I was at my worst.

Ryder didn't leave me, no. He helped me but took me away from that place and took me home like a man would. He reminds me so much of dad, in a good way. I wanted a gentleman like my dad. One who only thought of my mom before anything else.

I feel embarrassed that I let Miles talk to us like that. Why didn't I stand up for myself? I'll never know, and I'll never know if I ever will be able to stand up for myself.

As I think more and more about it, I feel a tear wanting to come out, but I wipe under my eyes. I turn to see Ryder looking at the road with a crease in his forehead. I look back and see even Laklyn isn't too happy.

Once we get to the closed community, he drives his car to the parking lot and then proceeds to walk me up to my apartment. I think Greyson might be home, unless he is still at work. I open the door and don't hear anything so I go around the apartment to make sure Greyson is not here before allowing Ryder to come in.

He sits on the couch with a sleeping Laklyn as I go to the kitchen to get us some water. I see a note written in Greyson's handwriting. "Won't be back until late tomorrow evening, having a really bad night at the hospital and having to stay the night." I frown at this.

One thing that comes with working with children, for Greyson, he loves kids, and he gets so attached to them that it's hard for him to let go. Some of you may be thinking, well if he can't handle it, why is he doing it? Because he believes that children who are in that hospital need a friend and Greyson is that friend, no matter what.

I look back up from the note and take the glasses of water and head to the living room. I hand Ryder his cup and sit down on the couch opposite of him. He sips on his water slowly as I do the same, sitting in pure silence.

"I'm sorry." His words cut me like a knife because I'm not sure what he's sorry for. Sorry for not knowing I have past issues and that he's sorry for taking me out and wasting his time? Or that he is sorry about what happened and he is giving me pity. Which I cannot stand.

"About what?" I ask because I can sense he can tell I'm overthinking. "About what happened, he shouldn't have done that in a public place." Somehow, his words don't feel like pity, they feel sincere.

"Thanks, I guess." I say. I don't know if he is waiting for me to tell him who Miles is to me. His face is hard to read in the dark. That's why I lean over and turn on the lamp.

"I should probably get Laklyn to bed." His rough voice speaks out as he stands up and goes straight for the door.

"Wait!" I find myself saying. I'm not sure if I regret it though, because he turns around quickly as if he was waiting for me to say that.

"Um- I- Thank you for defending me." I say I wanted to say more but nothing would come out. My brain and my heart are taking in those words I just said. I can trust this man. I can trust that he will be a friend. A good friend.

"You're welcome... Aurora." And with that he walks out. Leaving me to my empty thoughts.


"I could have sworn I packed it!" My brother yells as he runs around his house. Reece that is. I was called over here to watch Lydia and Aspen as Mayella goes to give birth. Her water broke not so long ago and I'm freaking out because they called me to come get the kids.

"Honey! It's already in the car, remember!" Mayella shouts to Reece and rolls her eyes. She is being so calm about this, I'm assuming because she knows the whole routine. "Okay, so you're going to go to auntie's house for the night and morning okay?" Mayella talks to her kids.

They nod excitingly and grab their bags, tossing them into my car. Mayella smiles at me and thanks me. "What's wrong?" She asks. I look at her and she shrugs. "I know when something is wrong, I have known you since you were a newborn." I giggle at that.

"It's nothing, really." I'm really thankful to have a sister- in law like her. She knows everything about me and she knows how to cheer me up.

"Once I get this fat baby's head out of me, you're telling me what's wrong." her mama voice scares me, but I know she means well. I nod my head and watch as Reece runs back into the room and tells his wife to hurry up and get her butt in the car.

Me and the kids wave them off and then we get into my car and start heading home. Once we get there, I make sure to call mom and dad telling them I have the kids and not to worry about them.

"Is uncle Gray going to be there?" Lydia asks. I nod my head and smile. "Yup! And you get to play and sleep with him all night." I smile as they cheer.

I pull into the parking lot and the girls don't wait to run to my apartment door and wait for Grey to open in. Once he does, he is greeted with hugs and kisses by the girls.

"Hey girls!" He finally stands up from his spot on the ground. "How's your mom?" He asks. "She is dying I think!" Lydia speaks up as she frowns.

"Oh she is not dying! She is having another baby, just like you!" He points to her tummy which makes her giggle. They run off into the guest room to get their toys out. Gray stands up and hugs me.

"How was your day?" He asks and I just nod. "More interviews with potentially building owners."

"It's going to be okay Rory." I nod my head as we sit on the couch and eat the grilled cheese he made the four of us. "Oh I forgot to tell you, Ryder stopped by," my heart drops to my stomach.

"Wha- what did he say?" I ask. "He just told me to tell you to call him when you get back. Whatever that means." He smirks at me. I playfully shove him.

"Whatever that means." I mutter under my breath as I watch the three of them doze off, not being able to get rid of him in my head.

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