Chapter 11 ~ Grey

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I know I haven't been feeling like myself lately and that's all to do with seeing my ex. I called out from work today to take a mental health day and to just re energize from the weekend.

I'm now sitting on the couch with my brother watching an episode of Criminal Minds before he heads off to work. Me and Grey are so much more close than me and Reece are, but I feel like that's a given since we are twins.

Me and Grey where/are each other's best friends and will always be. He was the only one who could get me to sleep at night when I was little and having nightmares. He would come up to the top bunk and cuddle me to sleep and then the next morning he would make me breakfast despite him asking mom to make it.

It made me laugh though, that Grey couldn't cook so he always had mom make me breakfast but never give her credit.

I look down to Grey's face that is sitting on my lap. He looks just like me, I guess that's kind of the point of identical twins Rory.

"Grey?" My voice comes out as a whisper. He looks from the tv and up at me and gives me a listening nod. "Do you think I'll ever be able to trust someone again without questioning it?" This gets the man to sit up straight next to me crisscross.

"Rory, you know I can't answer that, only you can." I knew this was one of the reasons I would always come to my brother. He knew me better than anyone, even mom and dad.

"I just, I just don't think I will ever get a clear answer." I mutter, twiddling with my fingers. "Rory, you know that it's a possibility, but why are you questioning it right now?"

"I saw Miles yesterday." I blurt out. His mouth closes shut as if he wants me to continue. "He was at the store and started talking to me, flashbacks came back and I started questioning how I was so comfortable with dad's assistant."

"Dad's assistant!?"

"No, not like that!" Kind of like that. "I mean that I'm comfortable watching his baby and letting them come over, when have I ever done that!"

Grey looks at me and bits the inside of his cheek. I had told him all of this, besides my awkward strange butterflies. But he knows the rest.

"Maybe it's because they made you feel so comfortable that you wanted them to be as well. That's good Rory! It means that there is a possibility of not having doubts."

I don't speak after that. I don't know how to respond. Had I really been comfortable with a handsome man and his baby just after a few days of meeting each other?

Why all of a sudden do I feel drawn to let them in? Is it because me and Ryder had made unforgettable eye contact and my heart knew that he could be it?

It's been hard for me to find one for the longest time. Ever since Miles, I haven't been able to look at another man because I was scared.

I know this sounds cliché, but I have always wanted what my parents have. They are in their fifties and still love each other like they are twenty three. Their love never dies. Mom and dad have had fights sure, but they always came back.

Dad never had a doubt in his mind that mom was made for him. As soon as they made eye contact and mom paid for his gross coffee, he knew that she was the one.

When is that going to be me? When am I going to find someone that has no doubts about me, ever.


I'm back to work the next day, me and Grey ended up having a sleepover with all the junk food in the world after he decided he didn't want to leave me.

He works for a children's hospital and they didn't need him yesterday which was a miracle. He decided hockey wasn't for him like my dad, he figured out that he worked best with children and I'm thankful that he has that while I'm over here trying to work things out.

You could say that Grey provides for me, he would pay my bills if he ever saw them and knew I was struggling even though I didn't ask. He brings me food, he is just a great brother.

Gianna stands in front of me talking about her weekend to Florida and how it was so nice of her boyfriend to take her. I nod my head as if I'm fully engaged but someone walking into the store catches my attention.

None other than Ryder Collins, walks into the famous shoe shop I work at and starts looking around. How do I know his last name? I was snooping in dad's office.

He doesn't notice me so I duck down and act like I'm working on something on my computer. Just my luck when a shadow over me says, "Excuse me?" I force myself to look up into his eyes.

His dark eyes pierce into mine as they come to a realization. "Aurora?" I nod my head but don't change my face.

"What can I help you with?" I ask in a bored tone. "Well I was wondering if you had these in a baby's size?" He holds up a pair of vans. I nod my head going to the back and grabbing the pair for him.

"Will that be all?" I ask as I ring them up. He shakes his head as he takes the bag from my hands and starts walking out the door.

He turns around and looks at me before walking out and leaving.

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