Chapter 31 ~ Courthouse

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I woke up in a dark room. Oops I guess I didn't open the window. I walk to my blinds and open them and rub my tired eyes. I head to my bathroom and change my clothes and get ready for the day.

I walk to the kitchen and get myself some breakfast, I sit on the couch as I eat in silence, Frankie coming up to me and asking for food which I happily give him.

I check my phone for any texts or calls but nothing. It's been a couple days since me and Ryder have been together, and we haven't spent a minute alone.

But when we got back that one night, he told me he had called his lawyer, saying how he wanted to fight for full custody of Laklyn before Fiona could take charge.

I was obviously comforting him and telling him that it would be okay and he told me he needed a couple days just to gather his evidence with his lawyer and then he would call me.

It's only been a day and I miss him so much, I miss both of them. And the thought of that evil woman getting custody, makes me sick.

My phone rings, my heart drops. It's Ryder. I picked it up immediately.

"Hello?" My voice comes off loud and shaky.

"Hey, so my lawyer filed for court, and Fiona accepted, we are starting on Saturday." He sighs. I look at my calendar, it's Wednesday.

"Oh, wow that's- I'll be here for you Ryder, whatever you need me to do... I'll do It." I nod my head. I can hear his shaky voice. "What if I don't win?"

"Sweetheart-" I start. "You're going to win, she has nothing that will make her ahead of you." I reassure him. He lets out a shaky breath. "Can you be at the courthouse?" My eyes widen and I'm taken back.

"Are you sure?" I ask as I bite my lip. "Of course I am Aurora... Laklyn needs his mama." I can hear the smile in his voice. "Of course I'll be there." I say my goodbyes and hang up.


I walk up to the courthouse on Saturday, my hands shaking as I walk past Fiona and her lawyer. I make my way to find Ryder and Laklyn.

I walk into the house and spot Ryder talking with someone. He hears the door and looks up at me and tells the man to give him a minute. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm so happy you're here." He whispers as I nod. He tells me he left Laklyn at home with his sister so we don't have to worry about him.

"Did you dig enough?" I ask and he nods. "I think so... I actually got in touch with a highschool friend and he gave me a lot of information." I nod my head.

People stop talking as the judge walks in and takes her seat. I nod to Ryder and go to sit with the audience.

Fiona walks in, chin up, she smirks at me when she catches my eye, I just scowl. The room goes silent until Ryder stands to give his claim, and same for Fiona.

"Mr. Collins, your lawyer will now present evidence of your claim?" I see Ryder nod, his lawyer taking the stand.

"I have known Ryder Collins for about a year now, that's older than his son Laklyn." He glances at Fiona. "I am here with me, is a statement from Ryder's old highschool friend." He walks up and hands the judge a file.

She scans through it and places it down, folding her hands. "Does Mr. Collins has any pictures of bruises?"

I can see Ryder sucking in a breath. His lawyer then hands a flashdrive to the judge, she plugs it in as pictures light the projectors. I gasp in horror as I look at them, not being able to look away.

There is highschool Ryder, lying in a bed, naked, and blood and bruises everywhere. I'm glad this is a private courthouse because that image... will scare anyone who sees it.

I feel tears sting in my eyes, I refuse to look at him or I will just make a scene. His lawyer gives her dates, times, all the evidence he has. And then, he sits, and it's Fiona's turn.

Her lawyer also gathers fake evidence that tries to prove Ryder was the abusive one. The way Fiona talks, you just know that she is lying through her teeth.

The judge dismisses us, we all walk out as she is probably looking over the evidence. As soon as I get out of there, I go and find the water station and gulp down so much water my stomach starts to hurt.

I feel a presence behind me. "Aurora?" That voice makes my heart shatter. I look up at him, his eyes red like mine. "Are you okay-" I cut him off and hugged him tight. My arms wrapped around his strong body.

"It was worse than I thought." I sniffle hard as I probably soak his shirt with my tears, he just hugs me as tight as he can.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the violence of it... I was scared you would see me differently." I lift my head up and look him in the eyes. "I could never look at you differently- Ryder to me you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen, and nothing can change that."

Both of us are on the verge of tears, he kisses my lips and holds me closer. We hug for what seems like hours, eventually we sit on a bench.

The doors to the court house opens. "The judge has her conclusion."

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