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     BETHANY LAY IN BED, YOU STUPID BITCH BY GIRL IN RED BLARING IN HER EARBUDS. She stared at the DM's between herself and Sarah, typing messages then deleting them on second thought. A bag of frozen peas rested on her left eye, Sarah had hit her back. Bethany tackled the other girl to the ground as they wrestled until a handful of teachers pulled them away from each other. Bethany's dad had come to pick her up with a disapproving look on his face.

I can't believe you! She typed out, she deleted it.

YOU STUPID BITCH! She typed again, then deleted it another time.

        "Fuck!" She yelled before throwing her phone across the room. It landed against her bedroom door with a thud. Bethany sat up and walked over to her vanity and stared at her swollen eye. Sarah probably looked worse in all honesty, a knock at her door made her jump. "Come in." She mumbled.

"Are you like, having a meltdown?" Charlie's voice rang out. She turned to face him and he gasped. "Bethy, you're face!" He pointed.

      "Oh no! What's wrong with it?" Bethany pretended to be confused then deadpanned. "You left before the fun part earlier."

"Did you get into another fight." Charlie's dark blue eyes widened as Bethany nodded. "If you get into anymore fights-"

"-They'll suspend me, I know, Charles." She rolled her eyes, finishing his sentence. She let herself slump on to the floor, Charlie sitting down next to her.

"Well? Was it worth it?" He asked her, Bethany started to smirk.

"Course it was. Her and Ben both lied and cheated us, you might let that fly but I sure as bloody hell dont. You have to learn to fight for yourself and stick up for yourself." Bethany said, applying the frozen peas back on her eye. Charlie handed her phone to her, but she just threw it back across the room.

         "Me? Physically fighting people? Are the pain meds getting to you?" Charlie scoffed. "You fight with your hands and I fight with my words."

        "Charlie, you rarely voice your opinion." Bethany objected. "And Ben! Have you talked to him yet?" She asked suddenly.

"I texted him and told him I don't want to see him anymore." Charlie replied, giving his friend a sad smile.

"I'm proud of you." Bethany smiled and pulled her younger friend into a big hug.

      "Now come on, we have a movie to catch." Charlie helped the girl up and dragged her out of her house.


Charlie rode the bus with his sister Tori this morning, so Bethany got a ride from her dad. He didn't say a single thing to her the whole way there. When she stepped on to the school grounds, she could feel eyes on her and whispers behind her back. Not that Bethany cared, it's always been like that since she came out. Half way through the day, she met Charlie for gym. The duo were faster than any of the other kids in their class, that made them Mrs. Singh's favorite.

"Come on you lot! We've been doing this all term and no one's beat Charlie and Bethany's time yet! Let's go, yes?" Mrs. Singh yelled at the top of her lungs to the students trialing behind. After gym, Bethany showered in the locker room, allowing her red hair to hang damply around her face. She stood at her locker, trying to shove some extra books in.

"Hey." There went all her books as she looked up to see Nick Nelson approaching. The boy bent down to help her get her books from the floor.

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