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"WHY DO THESE PLAYERS LOOK LIKE ACTUAL GROWN MEN?" Bethany whispered over to Nick.

"They're a specialist sports school." He said back, watching the boys jog around the field. Nick stepped an extra step closer to Bethany, a sudden feeling of protection overtaking him.

"We are so fucked." Bethany repeated again, sighing and laying her forehead down on Nicks bicep.

"Just be positive, and play safe. If any of these guys come at you the wrong way, no offense, but you're a twig compared to them. Any tackle and you could really hurt yourself." Nick uncrossed his arms and gave Bethany one armed hug before they jogged off to their team. "Come on, boys!" Nick shouted after a whistle blew. Cheering erupted from the away side of the stadium, Bethany could see her friends, Nicks friends, Sarah, and... Oh god. Her dad. Bethany swallowed dryly as Nick ordered the team to line up. Nick punted the ball, the sun beat down on them as they stole the ball and ran it. Nick attempted to a remote but man from the other team tackled him swiftly. It wasn't looking good just as the rain started, Bethany's ponytail let lose small curls that hung in her face. Number eight from the other team began charging at her, with her small frame, she shouldered the larger man to ground somehow. She could hear Nick and the boys cheer for her as she stole the rugby ball from the boy in the ground. Bethany ran, she ran like Nick was on the other side of the field waiting to hug, she ran like Sarah was chasing her. She ran straight into goal, scoring Truhams first few points. Everyone erupted into cheers, Nick smiling and running to meet her, crushing her with a hug. Even Harry seemed to be happy for her, patting her on the back.

"That's my daughter!" A voice echoed over the others, her father cheered from next to Charlie now. Bethany was beaming as they set up again. But it started to down pour, everyone started slipping and skidding in the muddy grass.

"Set up, mates. Set up, go on." Nick ordered the team, Bethany took her place next to Nick, who looked more stressed than she had ever seen him.

"You're doing great, Nick." Bethany said softly to him, she could see him sigh and nod. They kicked off again, the score being 7 to 35. Bethany's mud soaked jumper stuck to her skin as she waited in the poring rain for the large number 14 on the other team to run for her. She tripped and shouldered him again and was able to regain the ball, but a force hit her like a train from the side. His head butting her nose. The ball fell from her hands as she hit the soggy ground with loud smack. Her ears rang and her vision turned fuzzy, blood stung the back of her throat and dripped from her nose. Bethany could hardly hear anything, not even the shouts from her dad or Charlie, not even the referees calling the match off. Figures kneeled down over her, their voices echoing in her ears.

      "Beth?" Nicks face blurred into view, water dripping from his hair onto her face.

       "Oh, hi." Bethany grimaced up at him. She felt hands take the space under her knee caps and one around her shoulders. Nick had lifted her into his arms and carried her into the academy to find the nurses office. He laid the girl down gently on the bed, her vision slightly improving without the rain. "That fucking hurt." Bethany let out a half hearted chuckle.

        "Yeah?" Nick suppressed laugh, his smirk wavering. "How's your nose?" He asked her handing her a kleenex to hold under her bleeding nose.

        "Et relly huts." Bethany replied, her voice muffled from the kleenex. She pulled it back to reveal hardly any blood, she set it down and sat up next to Nick. "You've got mud on your face." Bethany poked his face, admiring all his freckles and feeling slightly woozy. "You have a pretty face."

"I think you definitely hit your head pretty hard." Nick replied, chuckling while his face blushed.

"Oh! Nicky, are you blushing? Do I make you nervous?" Bethany leaned forward a little and kissed him softly, Nick smiling into the kiss.

"Hey, I brought some antiseptic wipes for-" Charlie stopped mid sentence. "Oh... Sorry, I guess." Charlie smirked evilly, tossing the wipes to Nick who caught them one handed and without looking.

"Hey, Charles. My dad around still?" Bethany asked, pulling away from Nick.

"He had to leave, but he wanted me to tell you you were amazing and that he's proud of you." Charlie replied. "Anyways, catch you later then." Charlie waved goodbye, Bethany waved back and he left. Nick unpackaged the wipes and started wiping the dried mud and blood from her face.

"I'm proud of you." Nick said softly, Bethany hummed a response. Her eyelids suddenly feeling heavy and her head started to pound.

"Hey, Nick? I feel kinda... I feel kinda..." Bethany didn't get to finish her sentence because she found herself losing consciousness.


Bethany's eyes slowly blinked open. A heart monitor beeped next to her steadily, she looked around. She was in a hospital room, Nick was asleep with his head resting on the side of her bed. Charlie was on a loveseat on the other-side of the room asleep as well, it was dark out but the curtains were pulled closed. Bethany reached out with the hand that wasn't IV'd to poke Nicks bicep. He stirred and ran a hand through his slightly messy hair.

"Hi." Bethany whispered to him, Nick let out a relieved sigh and brought the girl into his embrace. "Nick, I cant breath." Bethany chuckled, she could feel Nick laugh and he pulled away.

"Sorry, I was just so worried about you." Nick replied sheepishly, he took her hand in his and brought it to his lips to kiss.

"How long have I been asleep?" Bethany asked, glancing over at Charlie who was still sleeping.

"It's, uhm..." He paused and tapped his phone screen. "Well, it's 4 in the morning, so Saturday." Nick replied , giving her a small smile. "You've got a pretty bad concussion, Charlie and I have been here pretty much the whole time. Besides when we were at school, both our mums came by during the school day to check on you". He added.

"Oh.. Wow, that's so sweet of them. I couldn't ask for better people in my lives, really. I'm happy you're here, but you still need to get good sleep too, Nicky." Bethany shook her head at his stubbornness to be with her every moment.

"I just feel kind of responsible for you. Like, it's my fault you got hurt..." Nick trailed off sadly. Bethany scooted over and patted the small space next to her in the hospital bed, Nick climbed in next to her.

       "It isn't your fault, it never could be." Bethany replied softly, cuddling into his side. Nick wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm glad you're okay." Nick whispered, Bethany nodded. Within the next few minutes, both Nick and Bethany were asleep in each other's arms.

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