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BETHANY CURLED HAIR AGAIN, FOR LIKE THE 4TH TIME IN HER LIFE. She couldn't believe Nick had noticed and also couldn't believe she'd be walking to his house in just a few minutes. Of course, being she was so nervous and distracted that she burnt her cheek with the curling iron, she was excited. Bethany put on her favorite green sweater with a pair of jeans, then tied a pair of black high top converse on to go with it. She bounded down the stairs and grabbed her coat.

"Where are you going?" Her dad asked from around the corner.

"To a friends." Bethany replied, checking her hair one last time in a mirror.

"Charlie's?" He asked.

"Uhm, no actually. His name is Nick." Bethany replied, her palms getting sweaty.

"Nick Nelson, the one who got you on the rugby team?"

"The one and only. I wont be out all day, so I'll see you later." Bethany called while walking out into the chilly afternoon air. Nick didn't live that far from her, probably a block and a half. Bethany came face to face with the Nelson residence house, her finger hovered hesitantly over the doorbell. With an exhale, she clicked the small button. A dog started to bark and the door unlocked instantly.

"Hey." Nick said when he opened the door.

"Hey." Bethany said back. Nicks dog sat impatiently in the doorway, whining at the stranger.

"Uhm... This is Nellie." Nick gestured to the dog. Bethany bent down to the dogs level and pet her.

"Hello, Nellie. You're so adorable." Bethany cooed, scratching behind the dogs ears.

"You did your hair again." Nick pointed out.

"Uhm... Yeah." Bethany replied, standing back up. Nicks eyes trailer to the burn on her cheek, right under her partially faded black eye.

"What happened to your cheek?" Nick asked, his eyebrows furrowing. He reached out and poked the spot softly beneath the burn.

"Burnt it doing my hair." Bethany said back, her cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

"Do you want some burn cream? I think we have some." Nick offered the red head, she nodded. "Come inside, or Nellie will think we're going for a walk." He stepped aside to let her in the door. She took off her coat and hung it on the coat rack by the door and followed Nick to the bathroom. He found burn cream and put some on his finger. "This'll probably hurt a little." He warned, Bethany nodded and she winced slightly when his finger rubbed the burn. It only lasted a second though.

"Thanks doctor Nick." Bethany giggled at him, he smiled back. He took her up to his room, and showed her some stuff he had laying around.

"Are you any good at Mario Kart?" Nick asked her, holding out a wii remote.

"Am I any good? Are you any good at rugby?" Bethany challenged him, taking the remote. They played more than a handful of rounds, Bethany winning them all.

"No, Beth, just let me win. No-" Nick complained as they raced neck and neck for the finish line. The nickname catching her slightly off guard.

"I'm going to win, Nickie, just face it!" She laughed back as Toad crossed the finish line. "First place! Ha!" She yelled pointing a finger in his face.

"That's not even fair! You couldn't have let me win once?" Nick asked, laughing at her.

"Never! You're good at rugby and sports stuff, i'm good at inside stuff." Bethany shrugged.

       "No you're good at everything!"

       "Am not."

       "Are too! You're, like, a proper little nerd." Nick poked her arm.

      "I'm not a nerd, my friend Charlie's the nerd!" Bethany shook her head in disagreement.

      "You're totally a nerd! You're good at math, especially good at reading, befriending dogs, and you actually are good at sports." Nick smirked triumphantly.

      "No, no, no." She screeched as she clapped a hand over his mouth, he fell backwards laughing under her hand.

      "Stop, Beth!" He took her hand off his mouth, but he didn't let go of her hand right away. It lingered over hers until she gasped. "What?" Nick asked her.

       "It's snowing!" Bethany pointed out the window, Nick shared a glance with her before they both ran down stairs to find coats. Instead of going all the way back to the front door to get her coat, he handed one of his own from a closet by the back door. It was just a brown carpenter jacket, she had seen him wear it after rugby sometimes. It smelled like laundry detergent and whatever the Cologne had used was called. 

        "It's a little big... but it'll work right?" Nick asked her with a lopsided grin, Nick was no idiot though. He knew her coat was just down the hall.

      "Yeah, it'll work." Bethany shrugged under the big coat. Nick slipped another coat on and the duo stepped outside into the snow. Nellie trialed behind them happily. Nick stuck his tongue out, trying to catch snowflakes on it. Bethany took this as an opportunity to hit him with a snowball. She scooped one up and hit him in the chest with it.

        "You didn't!" Nick shouted, making a snowball for himself. He chucked it at Bethany who tried to hide behind a tree. Then he tried chasing her, threatening to put snow down her hood. Nick caught her by the waist and lifted her up in a circle, Bethany shrieked. When he put her down, Nellie came tumbling into her. The red head and the dog collapsed as she gave the dog the attention she wanted. Nick couldn't help but take out his phone and snap a picture. He took a few and sat down next to her and Nellie, petting the dog as well. Nick looked over at Bethany and gently moved a lose curl from her face, tucking it behind her ear. She blushed, and took out her phone. Calling Nellies name, she waited for the dog to look then they took a few selfies. Nick and Bethany laid in the snow, hardly feeling the cold, laughing and talking. By the time the snow stopped, it was about time for Bethany to go home. The duo now stood on the front porch, neither wanting to say goodbye first.

       "I had fun, Nellie is adorable. I'm glad I got to meet her." Bethany bent down , giving Nellie another pet.

       "Well, I think she really likes you." Nick smiled down at the girl and his dog, his heart beat rapidly in his chest.

      "See you monday then?" Bethany asked, standing up.

      "Who knows, maybe I'll decide to move to Paris tomorrow." Nick joked, shrugging.

      "Well if you do, let me know." Bethany played along, she turned to leave without even thinking about the fact she was still wearing his coat and he didn't even mind one bit.

no but do y'all see the coat sadie is wearing in the cover pic

———————————————no but do y'all see the coat sadie is wearing in the cover pic

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and whose coat does that look like?
i'm a fucking genius. thank u and goodnight

all too well, n.nelsonWhere stories live. Discover now