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BETHANY'S DAD HAD BEEN ADMITTED TO A REHABILITATION CENTER FOR HIS ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL. The red head didn't want to visit him, she was upset with him. Although, she understood why he did it. She spent all of saturday and all of sunday in Charlie's bed. He let her stay up in his room as long as she liked and only a few times did they share the bed like they had when they were little. She'd cry and he'd stroke her hair and console her. Even Tori had offered to take her out to breakfast sunday morning, but the girl had no motivation. Tao, Elle, and Issac brought her sushi once, but she hardly touched any of it. They were worried for her. Then the dreaded monday came, with tired eyes and dragging feet, Bethany sat down at her seat in form. Her head resting on her arms in front of her. She heard Nick come in and sit beside her.

"Beth? Are you alright?" He asked quietly, placing a hand on her arm. Bethany looked up at him with tear stained cheeks and red rimmed eyes.

"My dad-he..." But Bethany couldn't get the words out as a start tear fell down her face. She wiped it away quickly and stood swiftly from her chair, exiting the room. Whispers followed after her, Charlie and Nick stood at the same time, they locked eyes.

"Will someone please go check on her?" Mr. Hamlet asked, Charlie nodded to Nick who nodded back, allowing Nick to leave and Charlie to sit back down. Nick ran into the corridor and found her sitting in the unused music hall, crying softly with her knees pulled to her chest. Her skirt bunched up, revealing a pair of spandex shorts underneath. Nick sat down silently next to her, he didn't want to pressure her into telling him anything, he just wanted to be there for her.

"I'm sorry." Her voice came out muffled by being hidden under her arms.

"Don't say sorry." Nick replied softly. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

        "You left form to make sure i was okay..." Bethany trailed off, looking up at him. Her red hair array, her eyes swollen, with tear stained cheeks. But Nick still thought there was just something about her.

        "And I'd do it again. You're, like, probably my best friend right now. I know you'd do the same for me." Nick shrugged with a soft smile. He reached out and tucked a lose strand away behind her ear.

        "Friday night after the rugby match I went to Taos. When I came home, I found my dad passed out. He... he overdosed on his depression pills and downed it with a bottle or two of scotch. This isn't the first time, I was 6 the last time it happened, right after my mom left." Bethany spoke shakily, trying to keep herself calm. Nick placed his hand around her own for comfort, which helped immensely. Although, neither could ignore the sparks they felt. "They just put him in a rehab center, so I'm staying with Charlie and his family."

         "I'm sorry. That's probably really tough right now, if you need anything or anyone to talk to, I'm here." Nick said back, Bethany nodded and suddenly brought the boy into an embrace. It caught him off guard, but he held her back. They held each other for maybe a minute, maybe longer maybe less. Bethany pulled away and wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve. "If you want, you can come around my house for dinner and a movie. Tonight, tomorrow, or whenever you'd like." He offered, Bethany smiled and nodded.

       "Is tonight alright?" She asked, Nick chuckled softly.

      "Yeah, tonight's alright. Do you want to head back to class?" Nick asked her, Bethany took a deep breath in and huffed it out.

        "Uhm, yeah. We should probably head back." Bethany replied, Nick stood and then lent her a hand to help her up. When they entered class, Charlie asked her with his eyes if she was alright, she nodded towards Nick and smiled. He flashed her a thumbs up when they sat down. Bethany's phone lit up and vibrated, revealing a photo of her, Nellie, and Nick from the last time she was at his house.

            you good? Charlie texted.

           yes, better. thanks for letting nick come out:) Bethany sent back.

          ;)you're welcome. Charlie replied.

          Bethany put her phone down, and turned her focus back to the teacher. Rugby practice after school was a good distraction. It blew off steam and the boys almost seemed extra friendly to her, she thought it was just good team energy but Nick had told them to be nicer to her than normal. Nick just thought that what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. It was until after practice that she realized she had no way home. She sat awkwardly outside the school on the curb, and started dialing Tori's number.

"Do you need a ride?" Nick asked from behind the red head.

"Uhm, yeah. My dad normally picks me up..." Bethany trailed off.

"My mums parked over here." Nick gestured with a smile, helping her up. She followed him to his car and then climbed into the backseat quietly.

"You must be Bethany, I've heard a lot about you." His mum said from the drivers seat, Nick felt the heat rise to his cheeks.

"Thank you for taking me home, Mrs. Nelson." Bethany said with a smile.

"Of course, but please, call me Molly. Oh, Nick said you're also coming over for dinner and a movie. So I can come back to your house and pick you up when you're ready?" Molly asked politely, Bethany couldn't help but feel tears form in her eyes. Molly was so kind to her and she had only just met her. Bethany could see where Nick got it from.

       "Uh, I only live a block away so I can walk, thank you though." Bethany declined, blinking away the tears.

        "Are you sure? Nick can come in with you to walk you to our house." Molly offered again.

          "Only if he wants to." Bethany shrugged, Nick looked at her through the side mirror on the car, he nodded even though she couldn't see him.

        "Yeah, I'll do it." Nick said, he watched Bethany begin smiling in the dim lighting. Nick followed Bethany to the door, she hesitated. "You okay?" He asked her quietly, placing a gentle had on her shoulder.

       "I'm fine." She replied, her voice coming out so softly, Nick almost missed it. Bethany opened the door and Nick follows her to her room. He took note of the way it was decorated; several movie posters, band posters with lyrics, pictures of her and her friends hung on the walls. A guitar sat in the corner of the room, next to a vanity. Bethany went to her dresser and took out some clothes to change into. "I'm going to shower, I'll be right back." She said, going across the hall to the bathroom. Nick walked the length of the room, looking at her pictures. Charlie and Bethany at their celebrating their 4th birthday together, Bethany and who Nick presumed is elle now painting on each other, and Bethany and another red headed woman smiling at the camera. "She left the next day." Bethany said suddenly from behind Nick. He jumped and clutched his chest. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." She chuckled.

       "Is this your mum?" Nick pointed to the red haired woman.

      "Was, but yes. We went out for a family picnic for Charlie and I's birthday, we were born on the same day, not the same year. Sort of funny." Bethany smiled at the memory.

"Ready to go?" Nick asked her, taking in her wet hair and, jeans, and sweater.

"Yeah." Bethany nodded in response. The duo went downstairs and put their shoes on, Nick spotted his coat hanging up by the door.

"Oh, I forgot I let you wear this the other day." Nick smiled, holding the coat out for her to put on. She slipped her arms into the warm coat.

"I'll make sure to leave it at your house and to take mine back." Bethany reassured, Nick shook his head and opened the door as they began the walk to his house.

"Nah, you keep it. It looks better on you anyways."

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