| Chapter 14. |

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"Police! Come out with your hands up!" The seven words echoed in Jordyn's head, as she stood in the lobby of Sean's apartment complex, staring out at the horrendous rainfall blankly. Currently, the place was filled with police officers, all searching for the man whom Jordyn was thought to be her partner for the last month. But unfortunately, there was no sign of him anywhere.

"Chief. No one is in here." Chief Carter, the head of the TASK force spoke into the walkie-talkie, as he lifted it to his mouth to keep Chief Parker posted. He was at the hospital, his wife being rushed to the hospital. Yeah, Sean got to her too. He slit her throat, but Chief came in enough time to call emergency services to try and revive her. He left right after Jordyn got the call that Lucille was found strangled, not much after she left.

"Are you sure?" His deep voice never failed to send chills down Jordyn's spine, even when he wasn't in the room.

A few seconds later, the walkie-talkie went off again. "Positive. There's no sign of the guy anywhere."

Jordyn stopped watching the rainfall as she let the words process in her head, turning to chief with the same blank look. "They can't find him?"

"No, he's not inside of the building whatsoever," He let out a deep sigh. "Do you by any chance know any other places he would go?"

"No. I don't know where he could be." She answered dully, turning to look out the window again. The elevator beeped in their 5 second silence, causing her to turn her head as another police detective, Sanchez came down with Noel by his side. They both went straight to the chief, shaking their heads as they glanced over at Jordyn a few short times.

"No one's seen him. It's like he disappeared." Noel spoke first, watching as Sanchez fixed the gun on his hip.

Sanchez spoke next, looking at Jordyn's almost lifeless state. "Yeah. So maybe you should just head home, Davis. You seem worn out."

She slowly nodded, looking back towards the window. "You're right. It's just, so much has been happening in the last 24 hours."

"I understand. But, it's clear that this guy isn't coming home anytime soon. So just go ahead and get some rest," Sanchez said, licking his dry lips quickly. "She should probably have an escort."

Chief Carter nodded. "Yeah, of course. Sanchez, can you-"

Noel stepped forward, putting his arm around Jordyn in a nurturing kind of way. "I'll take her."

"You sure, Gates? Because I'll take her if you want. It's no problem at all." Sanchez suggested, as Noel shook his head.

"Nah, I'm positive. Jordyn's 100% safe in my care."

"Alright, see you in a few then. I'm heading back to the office." Chief Carter waved them off, turning to talk to Sanchez some more about what was going on before he left himself. Noel took the hint, grabbing her umbrella and beginning to lead the way outside the building to his vehicle parked in the lot. He unlocked the car doors, helping her in the passenger side before he jogged over to the driver's side and climbed in.

He hit the heat button immediately, along with the wipers, pushing the hood off his head. "You alright?"

She sighed. "No. I'm not."

He started reversing out of his parking space, one hand on the wheel and the other behind her seat as he tried to reassure her a bit. He stopped, seeing Chief Carter running over to the car. He rolled down the window. "He got Doctor Parker."

She instantly started crying upon hearing that, Noel putting the car back in park as he rubbed her back. "It'll all be okay, J."

"How can you say that, Noel? I just found out the man that I've been falling for for the last few weeks is a pathological lying psychotic killer. It will not be okay." She finally expressed herself after leaving the station, her face red as she was clearly angry and upset. Noel shook his head, keeping silent as he didn't know what to say as he just drove her home. He eventually pulled up to her house in 20 minutes, allowing the car engine to fulfill the sound of noise before he began speaking again.

"Look, I can't say I know how you feel because I don't, J. But I do know that you are an incredibly strong young woman and you'll pull through this. I mean anyone who can suffer an accident where they lose all their memory has to be some kind of amazing person. Which you are. Sean or whatever his real name is an idiot for betraying you like he did. Because you're great. And I mean that."

A tear fell down her cheek. "But, why? Why would he do all this, Noel? Why?"

"I don't know, Jordyn. That's something you're going to have to ask him when we find him. And we will find him, Jordyn. Remember that." He gave her a tiny smile, reaching over and squeezing her knee gently. She slowly nodded her head, appreciating Noel's encouraging words as they just stared at each other. She noticed his face suddenly coming closer, his lips overlapping hers as she sat still for a moment, at a loss for words.

"Noel, I can't. I'm sorry." She shook her head, watching as he frowned. But soon, he cleaned it up, giving her a simple nod.

"I understand. Just know that I'm always here for you, J. No matter what."

"Thank you," She sighed. "Would you mind if I went inside to grab something? Then can you actually drop me off somewhere else?"

"Anything for you."


"Thank you, I'll pull him out," Jordyn sighed, glancing at the body in front of her. It was freezing in the lab, but she could feel her body heating up. "Can I just have a minute alone?"

Camille nodded, walking out the room and leaving Jordyn by herself. She took another breath, if this wasn't who she thought, she would literally lose her mind. She went to pull the white sheet back, and tears immediately started to fall. Even with being frozen for 10 years and scratches all over his body, he was still the most handsome. "Daddy."

She cried silently on top of her father, grabbing his frozen hand and holding it for dear life. "I'm so so sorry."

And right at that moment, the thunder cracked loudly, flashing a stream of lightning as she now saw that she wasn't alone due to the reflection in the window. But this time? She didn't even scream. She felt his presence behind her and bent down slowly to kiss her father's cold cheek. Then she turned around. "Sean." 

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