| Chapter 4. |

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Severely bored and not wanting to open her case until she talked to her partner, half of Jordyn's shift seemed to go by slowly as she procrastinated until it was time for lunch break. She hadn't had a partner in so long, she wasn't even sure what to do. Ever since her promotion and the budget cuts, she had been a one woman show. Not that she was complaining. She preferred it that way, so she could work on her own time, but since she was now assigned to work with someone, she had to be mindful. So, she only ran a background check on Tyler, which was clean and that was it.

Now, she was deep in the middle of watching episodes of 'How to Get Away with Murder' when she heard a knock at her office door. And yes. She liked crime shows that weren't far off from what was her reality. Call her weird, but it helped get her brain pumped. Pausing the show on Hulu, she opened a fake new tab on safari in case it was the chief checking in on her.

"Come in!" She called out once ready, her hands on the computer keys typing nothing at all.

"Hey," Noel's voice spoke, as she stopped faking work and made eye contact with him. "Interrupting?"

"Oh, it's you," She let out a breath, signaling for him to come inside. "Come in, come in."

Noel followed instructions, shutting the door behind him. "Are you expecting someone else?"

Jordyn shook her head side to side. "No, I was just hoping it wasn't chief. I wasn't exactly working this morning."

She heard Noel gasp loudly in response. So dramatic. "You? Miss Goody Two Shoes wasn't working on her case?"

"I know you're not talking," Jordyn laughed, shrugging her shoulders as she looked at the detective that worked just as hard as she did. "You're the kiss ass of the place. I just wanted to meet my partner first before I started working."

"Partner?" Noel finally walked away from the door, taking a seat on the corner of her desk. "Who? Thought you didn't get partners."

"Yeah, me too. And you know what? I don't know who it is. I just got a note on my desk saying to meet at Starbucks for lunch."

Noel furrowed his eyebrows. "Weird. I didn't even see anyone come in here other than you all morning."

"Yeah, but you know this place is a madhouse. You probably got distracted. Whoever it is probably left it while I was in interrogation."

Noel stroked his small amount of facial hair as Jordyn glanced at her wristwatch. "Yeah, maybe."

"Mhm," Jordyn mumbled, pushing her chair out and grabbing her purse. "Well, I don't wanna be late. I'll catch you later?"

Noel nodded, his eyes following the young woman as she continued on her way out. She suddenly turned around, facing Noel again. "Oh, wait. You came in here for something. What did you need?"

Noel waved his hand in the air, dismissing her comment. "It was nothing important. Don't worry about it. Go meet your partner."

Jordyn nodded her head in response, saying goodbye for the second time as she tossed on her jacket, and began walking towards the door. She stopped, allowing Noel to walk into the hallway as she adjusted the large bag under her arm. "Okay, see ya."

"Bye, J." She heard Noel call after her, as she made her way to the elevator. She hopped in, going back down to the first floor of the police station. She left the building, buttoning her coat as she walked until she met the Starbucks around the corner. She sighed again, hating the way she ended her conversation with Noel. Ever since she got her "upgrade", Noel unusually had been trying to point out things he felt a detective should notice- even though it wasn't needed. Really, it made everything awkward. It was like he had something to prove. Jordyn claimed it was out of jealousy, I mean, why else would he even make such unnecessary commentary?.

She shrugged it off, heading outside. Thankfully, there was no sign of snow in Baltimore yet, and rumor had it that it would be another snowless Christmas. She could care less about that though, as she pulled open the doors to the cafe and took a seat at one of the empty tables by the window. She slowly took off her jacket, making her way over to the counter and ordering a medium sized hot chocolate. She wasn't a coffee drinker.

She waited in line until her drink was done, sitting back down as she waited patiently. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through social media until 5 minutes had passed with no sign of her partner. Eventually, 5 turned into 15 minutes of the lunch break and she had to eat before she got back to work. She quickly got back into the line, waiting for forever before she received her lunch, which consisted of a fruit salad. She sat back down, checking her phone and seeing that her partner was now 25 minutes late meeting her.

"Alright, partner. You have already succeeded in pissing me off, good job." Jordyn huffed to herself, pulling her warm winter coat over her body once again, grabbing her purse and standing up from the table. She made her way over to the door annoyed, her head down as she bumped into a rather hard piece of muscle.

She wasted no time in raising an eyebrow, her head tilting up and her eyes scanning the man she ran into quickly. He was taller than her by a mere 4 inches, making him around the 5'11 range. He wore a black leather jacket, dark black jeans, black sneakers, with a black T-shirt hidden underneath but even then, Jordyn could tell that the man was hiding a body sculpted by Greek gods. He was handsome in the face too, the type of handsome that made Jordyn's stomach drop.

"Sorry." She muttered, putting her head back down and trying to continue her way back to the station.

A gasp escaped her lips though, as she felt a tug on her arm and noticed that the man she bumped into had spun her around to face him once again. She narrowed her eyes, smacking his strong hand. "Excuse you? Get your hands off me-"

The man let go of her, allowing her to fix herself up. "Detective Jordyn Davis."

Jordyn raised a perplexed eyebrow, staring into the man's dark chocolate eyes before clearing her throat quickly. "Yes? And who the hell are you?"

He licked his lips seductively, making her knees weak before his deep baritone provided her with an answer. "Detective Stone. I'm your partner."

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