| Chapter 15. |

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When she woke up, she didn't know where she was. Honestly, no clue. Was she dead? If she was, then the afterlife was just like laying in a pool. A pool filled with nothing but ice cold water. She felt it in between her fingertips. Just the same as she was feeling the numbing droplets dripping onto her forehead. Wait, was this a pool of blood? And was she bleeding from her head? After all, she was dealing with a killer. He was capable of anything. But if she was feeling something, didn't that mean she was alive? She wiggled her fingers. Okay, she could move. So, slowly opening her eyes, she looked up towards the sky and felt her forehead. No. Not a pool. Seems she was laying in a blanket of snow. She glanced down at her fingers. Clear. Guess it wasn't blood after all.

Deciding to sit up then, she took in her surroundings. She was in the middle of a front yard, the house barely standing as she noticed that everything was burnt to a crisp, other than the structure. He brought her to the house. But where was he? There was no sign of him, no sounds within the chilly air. Well, let's move Jordyn. Before he comes back. She stood to her feet, the first thing she took notice of was how nothing was missing off her body. Not her phone, not her ID, not her gun. He must've wanted her to keep them. For what purpose, she didn't know. But she sprang into action, taking that gun right off the holster and starting in on the house. She kept it held high as she checked every room in and out, the flashlight from her phone (which had no service) doing wonders. As she walked through the house, it hit her like a truck. She had been here before.

But rather than taking the time to reminisce, to piece things together, she went through the back door. Discovering a house shed. Imagine her surprise when she busted it open, revealing a nonchalant looking Sean across the space, chilling kicked back in a chair. His feet were on top of something, giving him the advantage to lean against the wall as he inspected a bright red apple in his hand. Jordyn's eyes filled with hatred as she stared back at him, despite the attraction she used to share for him at one point, shit, this morning as she held her pistol high, her eyes widening as they focused on the large AK-47 cooling on his lap.

"Hey babe," He smiled wickedly, once meeting her gaze. "About time you woke up."

Jordyn's hands shook at an uncontrollable rate as she inhaled another deep breath and stepped forward, her eyes bearing into Sean's deep brown ones as her grip on the pistol tightened. Sean showed no fear, polishing his apple, and making a clicking noise with his tongue. "Tsk tsk. I was really hoping you knew better than to pull that on me. Drop it,"

She didn't move. And in response, Sean laughed while standing up from the seat, hinting at the gun in her hands as he lifted his own. "Or I shoot right now."

She shook her head, deliberately. "You wouldn't."

"Oh yeah?" He raised an eyebrow, cocking the gun back. "Try me."

She watched him intensely for a few seconds, before she took a deep breath, knowing he was 100% serious. Jordyn bent down and dropped her gun to the floor, kicking it over to him as he picked it up and threw it behind him.

"Good," He cheesed, dropping his weapon back on his chair as he took a small bite of his apple, making his way over towards her. He began patting her body down, checking for anything else she had stashed, though she was sure he probably already did that while she was passed out. He went over her breasts seductively, shaking his head as he basically palmed them. "You don't even know what you do to me. What I want-."

"What you want is to kill, clearly." She cut him off rudely, watching as he backed up and scanned her face.

"I don't want to kill anyone," Sean heaved a deep sigh, lowering his head. Jordyn almost felt some type of compassion. "Especially you. I love you too much to do that."

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