| • chapter - awareness • |

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life is ever-changing .
no two moments are the same .
people come and people go .
wealth goes up and wealth goes down .
sometimes you win and sometimes you lose .
life is impermanent .

but , we , humans are trained .
trained to attach , trained to cling ourselves to the happy moments or whatever is good . we reject , we fight or deny whatever is unpleasant .

but just like a flowing river ,
you cant hold onto the pleasant things .
you cant hold onto the unpleasant things either .
its all ever changing .

awareness means not clinging to anything ,
or rejecting , fighting or opposing anything .
whatever comes let it come and accept it .
if you know you cant change a situation ,
there is no point in fighting with it .
if you know you can change the situation ,
just stop overthinking and change it .
its that simple .

make yourself comfortable ,
with what ever happens .
dont feed your suffering by fighting it , opposing it .
because it will only mess with your lonely mind .
you are fighting your own thoughts ,
fighting your own opinions ,
fooling around with your own mind games .
pain is one thing ,
but constantly thinking about it ,
its another . its more problematic .

pain and suffering are a part of life ,
because growth is a part of life .
there is no growth without pain .
will we ever try to change for better ,
in all the happy moments ?
we only try to better ourselves ,
and look for improvements
in the difficult times .

so take your suffering like a challenge ,
like a beautiful lesson ,
that will turn you into a beautiful soul .
a very beautiful writer has said ,

" the most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat , known suffering , known struggle , known loss , and have found their way out of the depths . these persons have an appreciation , a sensitivity , and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion , gentleness , kindness and a deep loving concern . beautiful people do not just happen "

- elisabeth kübler ross .

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