| • chapter - changes • |

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how astonishing it is ,

to look back and notice ..

the changes .

how frustrating it is ,

being so disabled to reverse ..

the changes .

strange is the feeling to acknowledge how things used to be before the changes . it could be good for some , bad for some , worse for rest . so deeply rooted we are to the feeling of just seeking comfort in the zone that we are in . and whenever a slight change hits , our castles seem to crumble . i wonder if everyone finds the change uncomfortable . but its the rule of nature . we cannot run from the changes . we have to absorb them , live with them , grow out from them . nothing stays the same . changes are mandatory , just like the seasons ..

" i do love you "

~ winter

" i lost my interest "

~ summer

it is not the most intelligent of the species that survives , it is the one who is most adaptable to any change thrown its way .


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