| • chapter - suffering • |

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buddha said , life is suffering .
then told , why is life so suffering .
also told , how to end the pain of suffering .

we always focus on the first sentence . then map it up with our experience and give a conclusion - life is suffering . but there lies an important question beneath - to whom is life suffering ?

this question is answered in the book - ' Advait in Everyday Life .' the concept says :

there are two very distinct kind of flows . what kind of pain you experience depends on which kind of flow you are allowing yourself to go with . 1st flow is the flow of conditioning , of convention , of what others have given to you , and there is no doubt that it is a very strong flow . lets call it ' fate ' because fate is exactly what is coming from the outside . you do not decide which house to be born in . you do not decide your gender . you do not decide your religion . you do not even decide what would be your staple food . you do not decide what your physical processes would be . all these are external things . now , you do not decide all these . all these just happen .

so the flow of convention is the flow of fate . by convention , i mean not only the social conventions , but everything that has been given to you by situations , by chance , by others . this is 1st flow . most people , an overwhelmingly large proportion of people today and in all ages , have been in this flow only . we can even call it the flow of accident , the accidental flow . it just happened . basically a random happening .

there is another flow , 2nd flow . i will call it ' the essential flow .' and there is hardly anybody who allows themself to be in this particular flow . but , what is this essential flow ? what is the meaning of ' essential ' in it ? the essential is to be first understood as that which has not been given to you by anybody else , which cannot be given to you by anybody else . which we call as ' awareness .' it is a very faint call . it is faint because you have distanced yourself from it . but you have to allow yourself to go closer to it . fate is very powerful but the essential is more powerful than the fate . the accidental is extremely powerful , but awareness is more powerful .

it has such a tremendous force , that you will not be afraid even of death . it is like love . it dissolves all the pains of suffering . go closer to it , and find your true awakened self . and if you dont go closer to it , my words wont help . If you are reading this right now , i am inviting you to go closer to your essential , to the intelligent , to the awakening . and when you are finally there , you will no longer be afraid of your fate . Then you will play with your fate . with the essential , the accidental becomes a great fun . without the essential , the accidental remains monstrous and you are afraid , tensed , worried and miserable .

therefore , remain with the essential , and life will never look like suffering . you would say - ' come what may , i am alright ! and i will be alright . nothing can harm me . i am with that which is most important , the essential .

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