| • chapter - detachment • |

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• D E T A C H M E N T •


we as humans attach ourselves with things throughout our lives . things being - materials , money , people , habits , routines . but is it a bad thing to be attached ? well i believe , it is a bad thing to be attached only if it is bothering you . if it is causing you problems .


but what even is detachment ?
you are a human being . a social being . how can you be detached ? is it even possible ? well , yes . you can master detachment if you really believe it is worth achieving .


now by detachment i do not mean that you are supposed to leave planet earth and go to saturn . nope . detachment has nothing to do with leaving people , leaving habits , leaving situations . its not about leaving at all . what is it really about then ?


detachment is experiencing feelings , people , habits , situations or material , without letting them control us . we step back , look at things objectively and observe things from a third person perspective . we let go and accept what we cannot change . we detach from other's choices . we choose how will we act rather than just reacting . detachment is a deep breath of peace and patience .


" detachment does not mean that you own nothing . detachment means you own everything , but not letting any of it to control or consume you . "

~ bhagavad gita ~

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