| • chapter - faces • |

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came across a line today which made me think endlessly . not in a bad way though , but it got me quite intrigued . the line says :

" show me your original face , the face you had before your parents were born . " ~ zen

the original face ?
what could be the original face ,
a face even before we are born ?

took me a while to understand the concept behind it .

well the original face means ' who we were before we were shaped and crafted by our life experience ' .

its said that our body is new . but our soul is hundred thousand years old . new body , new experience .

i just wonder what a human would have been like when its just a little soul growing inside the universe . when its just a little energy . a little infinite power . how innocent would that soul be . how gentle and how humane . how empty and limitless . a clean white sheet of paper . a clean slate in a dirty world .

that is a soul with an original face . a face full of purity and light . a face without pain or suffering . a face without violence and hatred . a face without the knowledge of good and bad . a face without the knowledge of truth and falsehood .

the face we wear today is formed by experience , formed by what our parents have taught us , formed by what society has taught us , formed by what living has taught us , formed by what our needs have taught us , formed by what values we are engraved with , formed by all the good and bad we know , the good and bad we are taught, the good and bad we understand .

but before all of this , we were clean . clean without any stain of experience on our face . when this pure face enters the world of adversity , it loses the innocence . it learns the harshness , the cruelty , the betrayal , the immense pool of pain , the guilt , the defeat , the coldness , the darkness . the world rips a soul off of its original face .

not quite sure if there is any original face still living in our chaotic world . a soul , untouched ~

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