| • chapter - emptiness • |

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you feel empty dont you ?

this feeling of feeling nothing at all .

no anger , no sadness , no resentment ,

no energy , no happiness , no excitement .

you just wanna lay in your bed ,

feeling it all pass by in your messy head .

just inside your thoughts you want to sink ,

staring endlessly at the ceiling without a blink .

and the time just keeps flying by ,

but you dont really notice or even try .

the voices around are muffled and slow ,

whats even happening you dont really know .

you are present but not surely ,

feels like you are there but not really .

appears as if everything is in slow motion ,

but you just seem to have lost all the emotion .

its joyous to have found the peace ,

the stillness , the silence and the ease .

then it slowly starts to feel quite like home ,

its now a weirdly powerful feeling that you own .


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