If I knew what I had the license to,

137 24 31

Blessed would have been i,

If  I knew what licenses i  already had in my bare hands


beware, read it at your own risk
the information you are about to read as high potentiality of being BS aka the bos taurus's fecal matter
*skull emoji* 

in other words : doughnut read! :0

i mean

do not read for your own sanity :0

*places the C inside the big circle for copyright* 

***Thus, almost everything is imitation. The of was taken from . imitated , imitated . The most original borrowed from one another. makes his a fool; but pray is Orlando any other? It would puzzle one to decide whether knight errantry has been made more ridiculous by the grotesque painting of Cervantes, than by the luxuriant imagination of Ariosto. Metastasio has taken the greatest part of his operas from our French tragedies. Several English writers have copied us without saying one word of the matter. It is with books as with the fire in our hearths; we go to a neighbor to get the embers and light it when we return home, pass it on to others, and it belongs to everyone***

"Lettre XII: sur M. Pope et quelques autres poètes fameux," Lettres philosophiques (1756 edition)

-- Voltaire 

If i knew what i had the license to,Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora