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Days, maybe even weeks, had slowly ticked by with me stuck in this room. My only entertainment was the birds that occasionally landed on the tree near my window and the light shimmer of the spell Kai put around the room. I was only able to leave if he released the spell.

My first couple days stuck in the room I had tried every spell I knew to escape. Seeing as I'm still stilling by this same window, nothing worked. 

One of the birds flew towards the tree landing on a branch. I smiled as the birds stared at my window. Tapping on the glass lightly, I hoped to get its attention. The noise startled the birds, making it fly off. A frown landed on my lips as my only companion left.

"Your food m'lady," Kai said as he stepped into the room with a tray.

I didn't bother looking over at him. I knew the drill. He brought me meals twice a day. While I ate, he would talk with me about whatever he wanted. After I finished eating, he would take his meal from my wrist.

Looking down at my arm, I could see the fang holes from his feedings. Some had healed and started to scar while others still had remenints of dried blood.

"Are you not going to eat?" Kai asked as he set the tray on the bed.

"I'm not hungry," I said quietly.

Sighing, Kai moved closer to the windowsill where I sat. His hand gently grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the bed. I had learned to not fight against his vampire strength.

Reluctantly, I sat on the bed near the plate of food. Kai stared at me as he waited for me to eat. I kept my hands in my lap, not reaching for the food.

"Why am I still here?" I asked quietly.

"Because your friends haven't cared enough to find you," Kai explained.

A pain filled my heart hearing those words again. I knew what he was doing. He wanted me to believe my friends had given up on me. Not cared about me enough to try to find me. It was starting to work.

"Please, at least tell me if Bonnie survived," I asked, staring up at him.

Kai shrugged, either not giving me the answer or he really didn't know. Sighing, I slowly pushed the food away. Kai watched as I held me wrist towards him.

"Just get it over with," I said.

Smirking, Kai kneeled in front of where I sat on the bed. His cold hands grabbed my wrist, pulling it to his lips. I was surprised as he kissed my skin before piercing it with his fangs. I held in my pained gasped as I bit my lip.

My body started to sway when Kai finally removed his fangs. At first, I thought he was going to leave like normal. Let me recover. Instead, Kai placed the food on the floor and sat in the spot where the food had been.

"Your gorgeous, do you know that Zaylee?" He said as he played with a strand of my hair.

I didn't answer, feeling uncomfortable sitting next to him. Kai chuckled at my lack of response. My eyes had been stuck on the window when I saw Kai moved next to me. His wrist had been raised to his fangs and he punctures his skin.

I got to my feet, backing away from him. My eyebrows furrowed as he walked towards me with his bleeding wrist.

"You need your strength back," Kai said as he cornered me.

The misgevious glint in his eyes never left as he pressed his wrist to my mouth. Blood unwillingly dropped into my mouth. I wanted to spilt out the metallic taste, but the blood slowly dripped down the back of my throat.

Kai smirked when he finally release me. I coughed, wanting to rid the taste of blood from my tongue. My sleeves wiped at my mouth, removing his blood.

Once I recovered, Kai moved closer. His hand cupped my cheek as his thumb ran over my lips. I felt his blood smearing as he did.

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