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Kai and I walked to the kitchen to find ingredients to use for dinner. He decided on making chicken noodle soup for our last meal. I didn't care what we were having as long as it was the last time I would have to see this sociopath.

"Can you start cutting up the carrots?" Kai asked pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded then started on my task. It took a while but finally we had dinner ready. I was so ready to be away from him. He took me from my life. So when we are done here I plan to get back to it. But I know I would have to do it without the acendant.

Dinner went by slow. Kai kept talking to me but I just responded with one word answers. "Come one Kai you've been eating that same roll for 20 minuets now." I complained. This dinner was going way longer then I wanted  it too. "What's so wrong with wanting to cherish out last moments together?" I rolled my eyes at the boy.

After another 20 excruciatingly long minutes we were done with our dinner. "So I guess this is goodbye." I said standing up getting ready to leave this hell house. "Wait. I want to show you how to use the car. The gears are a little finicky." He said. I knew he was just trying to prolong my stay but I wasn't going to fight him.

We walked out of Kais creepy house and to the front yard. As we walked out he started to talk about the night he was put into this prison world. "I could never figure out where Jo put her magic before the merge." He said as he walked over to a tree stump. "But all of your reading inspired me to do some of my own. I found out that a witch can put their magic in any object they choose."

Kai dug through a layer of dead leaves on the top of the stump. Then he pulls out a knife. "That's when I remembered this knife. That sneaky little witch put her magic in this knife." I started to worry but I didn't show it. Kai held the knife tight and it glowed orange then nothing. "Well there's no magic anymore." He said.

"Cool so you have magic. Can I go now." I said pointing towards the car. "One last thing." He said slowly taking steps in my direction. "I've seen you do the spell and there doesn't seem to be any special Bennett witchy woo going on. So I don't think you need a Bennett witch." He said standing right infront of me. "I think you just need Bennett blood."

A blood curdleing scream ripped out of me as the blade cut through the flesh of my stomach. I hunched over in pain as Kai ripped the knife out of my skin. "K-Kai." I tried speaking but I was dying.

I fell to my knees in front of the evil boy. I looked up and saw him smile. He watched as my blood dripped off of the silver blade. I fell to my side in the grass not being able to hold myself up. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched the sociopath.

Kai looked down at my dying body and chuckled. "Guess who's going home?"

I peeled open and was greated with one of the worst headaches I have ever experienced. I sat up and groaned as I did. I looked down at my stomach and saw my shirt bloody. The memories of Kai stabbing me came back to me and I whimpered.

Looking around the place I was in made me more confused about the situation. I was in what seemed to be the back of a moving van. Why would Kai put me in a van. As I focused more on my surroundings I concluded that the van was moving so I knew Kai was near.

I tried to stand but only then did I take notice of my hands being tied infront of me. I did my best to stand up in the moving vehicle then leaned against the walls. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it. I saw that my wound was improperly taken care of. It was still bleeding but only a small amount.

I didn't know for sure where I was but I knew I had to get away from Kai. I turned towards the door of the van and held my hands out as I closed my eyes. Using all of my energy I said a spell that I prayed would work. I heard a small clank so I opened my eyes. The doors to the van had popped open.

I walked to the edge getting ready to jump. "3...2...1" I counted myself down and jumped. I rolled into the pavement, scrapping my arms, legs, and face as I did. I whimpered but kept my cries to a minimum so Kai wouldn't have a chance of hearing them.

I looked up at the moving van as I watched it drive away. As I watched it I stood. I noticed something about it, it didn't look old. I looked around and this place looked familiar. This was the road that lead to the Salvatore house. Gathering this information I smiled. If Kai has brought us back I was so close to home.

I ran in the direction of the Salvatore house as fast as my feet would carry me. I knew I was loosing blood and would die if I didn't get to the house quick enough. But I was willing to take that chance.

I sprinted with my hands still tied. Hopping over obstacles that got in the way. I looked down and saw the blood stain on my shirt growing. Wow this is some serious déjà vu.

My head was pounding by time I was at the driveway. If I wasn't in the normal world I would die. So I prayed I was home.

Using my last bit of energy I stumbled up to the door of the house. I opened the door and walked in, dripping blood on the carpet as I went. My breathing was heavy along with my steps, but I had to make it.
I heard voices coming from the kitchen and I smiled. I was home. Now all I had to do was stay alive long enough to make it to the kitchen. "How is the magic border gone?" I heard Damon ask as I got closer to the kitchen.

I made it to the doorway and saw all my friends. They were all turned away from me so they didn't see me standing there. I stepped foot into the kitchen ready to reunite with my family. But right as my foot hit the ground i gave into the blood loss and started to fall. I was out cold before I even hit the hard wood floor.

Third person..

He whole gang was at the Salvatore house for the first time in months. They were trying to figure out why the barrier that wouldn't allow them into mystic falls was gone.

"How is the magic border gone?" Damon asked. Everyone just shrugged. Right after Damon has asked that question he smelt blood. A lot of blood. He turned around just in time to see Zaylee falling to the ground. "Zaylee!" Damon yelled and sped over to her and ripped the rope off of her wrists. By now the whole group turned around and saw Zaylee laying on the ground covered in blood.

"Oh my god!" Bonnie screamed as she ran to her sister. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Some of happiness but mostly of fear. She didn't know if her sister would make it.

"Damon give her your blood!" Alaric yelled. Damon nodded and bit into his wrist. He held it to the young witches mouth and the blood dropped onto her tongue. Even in her unconscious state Zaylee still whimpered as the blood went into her system.

Bonnie grabbed the hem of Zaylees shirt and lifted it just enough to see her stomach. The stab wound was closeing but leaving the blood to stain her skin. Bonnie looked back at the girls with tears of joy in her eyes. They had them too. Bonnie looked at the boys an she swore she saw tears of joy in their eyes too. They were all happy that Zaylee was home.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Caroline asked. Bonnie looked back at Zaylee and saw her wounds were healed but she wasn't awake. The group could tell she was alive by her breathing but she still wasn't moving.

"It may take a little for her to wake up. She's been through something traumatic and she needs to sleep it off." Alaric pointed out. The group sighed in relief. Damon scooped the girl up in his arms and walked out to the living room. He laid her sleeping form down on the couch and sat down on the edge of the couch waiting for her to wake.

Everyone else walked into the room and sat around waiting. Bonnie sat on the ground right next to Zaylee and held her hand. The whole group was silent as they waited for Zaylee to wake.

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